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Dr. Thompson earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York City. Her main research focus is in the area of gender and subculture. 

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Sociology New School for Social Research
M.A. Sociology New School for Social Research
M.A. Women's Studies San Diego State University
B.A. Government Eastern Washington University

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching promotes high levels of student engagement. Discussions form the beginning of our exploration of a social topic. Rather than lecture, I ask questions. In this way, I can pinpoint student understanding of a topic and focus on areas in which they have difficulty understanding and applying sociological insight. In classes, we create technological products aimed for a public audience, such as websites and animated videos, so that students demonstrate an understanding and application of the concepts that we have discussed all semester. My teaching style requires students to be involved in the conversation and be accountable for developing their critical thinking skills.

What I Love About Siena

What I love most about Siena is the ability to have small class sizes where the students and I can have in-depth discussions where we really learn how to analyze and deconstruct the social world around us. I am also very happy to be in Rosetti Hall, where we have access to computers in the classroom so that students can utilize the technology in their projects. By having students engage by creating websites and other online products, they are prepared for jobs that require more technological sophistication.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

 Deviant Behavior 260: I love to teach this course because we get to explore marginalized communities. I also have an assortment of exciting guest speakers to bring to the classroom that makes the topics much more dynamics. 

Visual Sociology 290: I love teaching this course because students get to explore and use their own visual media content to create project and research social problems. 

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2021 - Now Full Professor Siena College
2019 - Now Associate Professor Siena College
2015 - 2019 Associate Professor and Chair Siena College
2010 - 2015 Assistant Professor Siena College
2008 - 2010 Assistant Professor Texas Woman's University
2007 - 2008 Visiting Assistant Professor Florida International University
2006 - 2007 Postdoctoral Fellow Florida International University

Current Research

tattoos; deviant behavior; subcultures; activism

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Review of David C. Lane's "The Other End of the Needle: Continuity and Change Among Tattoo Workers."
    Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
  • Academ-Ink: University Fashion and Its Discontents
    Fashion Theory
  • Ethical Implications of Sex Work Practices and Research.
  • LA Ink: tattooing, gender, and the casual leisure of tattoo television
    Int J Sociol Leis
  • The Digital Nomad Lifestyle: (Remote) Work/Leisure Balance, Privilege, and Constructed Community
    International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure
  • What can Southern Criminology contribute to a post-race agenda?
    Asian Journal of Criminology
  • Women covered in ink: Tattoo collecting as serious leisure
    International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure
  • Good Moral Characters: How Drug Felons Are Impacted Under State Marijuana Laws
    Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice
  • The Price of 'Community' From Bisexual/Biracial Women's Perspectives
    Journal of Bisexuality
  • Review of Mothers without Citizenship: Asian Immigrant Families and the Consequences of Welfare Reform
    Journal of Asian American Studies, vol. 12
  • The Global Justice Movement's Use of Jail Solidarity as a Response to Police Repression and Arrest: An Ethnographic Study
    Qualitative Inquiry
  • Fence Sitters, Switch Hitters, and Bi-Bi Girls: An Exploration of Hapa and Bisexual Girls
    Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies, vol. xxi
    June, 2000
  • Towards a Multiracial/Bisexual Theory
    Thamyris' Mythmaking From Past to Present, vol. 7
  • Digital Nomads: Employment in the Online Gig Economy.
    Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, vol. 1
    Winter I, 2018
  • Working it Off: Welfare Reform, Workfare and Work Experience Programs in New York City
    Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Culture, Politics and Society, vol. 5
    Spring, 2003

Awards & Distinctions

  • Diversity Action Committee Pedagogical Fellowship
    Category: Teaching
    DAC & COTFD, 2020
  • Summer Scholars Program
    Category: Teaching-Research
    CURCA, 2020
  • Diversity Research Fellowship Award
    Category: Research
    Diversity Action Committee, 2019
  •  $2,490 for research entitled "Facing Student Loans: Sentenced to Debt" 
    Category: Research
    COTFD at Siena, 2014
  •  I was awarded a grant of $300 to buy software for use in the classroom-- and will present student outcomes at a faculty event during the end of Spring 2014 
    Category: Teaching
    Center for Teaching and Learning, 2014
  •  $2,490.00 for research supporting work on the manuscript Covered Women: Navigating the Social Stigma of Ink, by NYU Press, forthcoming 2014 
    Category: Research
    COTFD at Siena College, 2012
  •  $5,000.00 
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2010
  •  Award for Covered documentary 
    Category: Other
    Nevada Film Festival, 2010
  •  $5,000.00
    Category: Research
    Texas Woman's University, 2009
  •  $600
    Category: Research
    Texas Woman's University, 2009
  •  $10,000.00
    Category: Research
    Florida International University, 2006
  • 850 euros
    3 week summer research program in Germany 
    Category: Research
    Viadrina Summer University, 2005
  •  $5,000.00 
    Category: Research
    Observatorie Social International, 2001

Books & Book Chapters

  • Digital Nomads Living on the Margins: Remote Laptop Entrepreneurs in the Gig Economy

  • Kink: Pleasure, Power, & Pain in BDSM

  • The Future of Creative Work

  • Women's Health: Understanding Issues and Influences

  • Tattoo: The Histories and Aesthetics of Embodied Imaging and Writing

  • The Geographies of Digital Sexualities

  • Alternativity and Marginalisation: Essays on Subcultures, Bodies and Spaces

  • Radical Reproductive Justice: Foundation, Theory, Practice, Critique
    The Feminist Press
  • Covered in Ink: Women, Tattoos, and the Politics of the Body
    NYU Press
  • Selves, Symbols, and Sexualties: Contemporary Readings
    SAGE Publishers
  • Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules
    Vanderbilt University Press
  • Feminist Activism in the Academy
    McFarland Press


  • Nurturing future industries: Issuing visa for digital nomads and cheering reverse remittances
    Pre-Conference Process for 25th International Metropolis Conference, Berlin, Virtual
  • "Academ-Ink: Gender, Tattoos, and the Professoriate"
    SUNY Oneonta panel Identity Ink: Ethnographic Stories on Gender and Tattoos, Oneonta, New York
  • Tattooed Educators: Body Modifications, Visual Self‐Presentation and Employment
    International Visual Sociology Association, Paris, France
  • Digital Nomad Women: Gender, Serious Leisure, and Non-Location Based Employment
    The Australian Sociological Association, Perth, Australia- WA
  • Marijuana Policy Liberalization in the United States and Australia
    Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, Oregon
  • Marijuana Policy in Jamaica.
    Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru
  • Mi Familia: Latina Women in the U.S. Negotiate Identity and Social Sanctions through Tattooing
    Tattoo: The Histories and Aesthetics of Embodied Imaging and Writing, Koln, Germany
  • Regulating Tattooing Practices Through State and Industry Governance
    International Meeting on Law and Society, Mexico, Mexico-Federal District (Mexico City)
  • 'Covering' At Work: Dress Code Policies, Tattoos, and the Law
    BodyHacking Con, Austin, Texas
  • Felony Bans in the Legal Cannabis Industry
    The Justice Studies Association National Conference, ALBANY, New York
  • Marijuana Legalization in the United States and Its Impacts
    International Sociological Association 3rd Forum, Vienna, Austria, Unknown
  • Women Covered in Ink
    Feminisms for the 21st Century: The Valerie J. Hoffman ('75) 2015-2016 Lecture Series, Schenectady, New York
  • Covered in Ink: Tattoos, Women and the Politics of the Body
    International Sociological Association; Research Committee on The Body in the Social Sciences, Rome, Italy, Unknown
  • Documentary Film as Sociological Theory
    International Visual Sociology Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Technology and the Profession
    Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Documenting Sex Workers
    International Visual Sociology Association, Brooklyn, New York
  • Documenting Sex Workers
    University Film Video Association, Chicago, Illinois
  • Emotions, Subjectivity and Storytelling
    Emotions and Edges Conference, Buffalo, New York
  • Visually Documenting a BDSM Dungeon
    Eastern Sociological Society, New York, New York
  • The Making of Covered
    International Visual Sociology Association, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia
  • The Making of Covered
    American Culture Association Conference and Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • The Making of Covered
    Battleground States 2010: War(s) and Peace, Bowling Green, Ohio
  • The Making of Covered
    Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • The Making of Covered
    Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, California
  • Women of Color, Ethnic Tattoos, and Family Reactions
    Women & Girls of Color: History, Heritage, Heterogeneity, New Haven, Connecticut
  • Centering 'Reproductive Justice': Transitioning from Abortion Rights to Social Justice
    March, 2009
    Gender Studies Symposium, Portland, Oregon
  • Ethnographer Behind Bars: Arrested Activists, the General Jail Population, and Social Integration
    International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, Illinois
  • On Public Skin: The History of Gender Resistance and Narrating Identity Through Tattooing
    Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California
  • Defending A Choice for Women: A Feminist Video Ethnography
    April, 2008
    Southeast Women's Studies Association, Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Defending A Choice for Women: Creating Feminist Ethnographic Documentaries for the Classroom
    February, 2008
    Sociologists for Women in Society, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • The Global Justice Movement and Ethnographic Methodology
    November, 2005
    Oral History Association, Providence, Rhode Island
  • Jane WTO: Direct Action, Jail Solidarity, and the Global Justice Movement
    June, 2005
    National Women's Studies Association, Orlando, Florida
  • The Politics of Bisexual and Mixed Race Identity within the Feminist Community
    June, 2005
    National Women's Studies Association, Orlando, Florida
  • Ethnography and the Global Justice Movement
    International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, Illinois
  • Jane Doe: Jail Solidarity and the Global Justice Movement
    Global Studies Association, Waltham, Massachusetts
  • Mass Arrest, Jailed Protesters, and the Work of Law Collectives.
    New England Sociological Association, Beverly, Massachusetts
  • The Global Justice Movement and Ethnographic Methodology
    SUNY Stony Brook Ethnography Conference, Stony Brook, New York
  • Alternatives to Western Developmentalism: History and Theory
    History Matters: Area Studies, Cultural Values, and the History of Uneven Development Conference, New York, New York
  • Jane Doe: Jail Solidarity in the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement
    Women's History Month Conference, Bronxville, New York
  • Legal Workers, Law Students, and Law Collectives
    National Lawyers Guild Annual Convention, Pasadena, California
  • A Box Within A Box: Multiple Heritages in Spoken Word
    Asian Pacific America: Mixing It Up Month at the Museum, New York, New York
  • The Politics of Bisexual/Biracial Identity
    Women's History Graduate Program Conference, Bronxville, New York
  • Transgressing the Socially Constructed Boundaries of Racial and Sexual Identity: Bisexual and Multiracial Asian/Pacific Islander Women in the Monoculture
    Boundaries in Question: Geographies of Feminism Annual Graduate Student Conference, Berkeley, California
  • Transgressing the Socially Constructed Boundaries of Racial and Sexual Identity: Bisexual and Multiracial Asian/Pacific Islander Women in the Monoculture
    National Women's Studies Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Being Bi in a Mono-Culture: Towards a More Inclusive Perspective on Race and Sexuality
    Annual San Diego State University Crisis Carnival Conference, San Diego, California
  • Who Owns the Language of Struggle: Have Lesbians and Gays Appropriated the Language of Civil Rights
    National Women's Studies Association, Oswego, New York
  • The Feminist Debates Around Pornography
    Women's Studies Lecture Series, Cheney, Washington