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Ashley Provencher is an economist with a background in public policy and statistics. Her research aims to improve the well-being of people and communities.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Economics American University
M.A. Economics American University
B.S. Economics and Mathematics Simmons College

My Siena Experience

What I Love About Siena

Siena students are informed of social justice initiatives and energetic to improve social justice both on- and off-campus.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I love to teach Economics of Crime because we spend a great deal of the semester volunteering off-campus and meeting advocates for social justice in the Capital-region. As a community-engaged course, students learn firsthand how to advocate for social change and the difficulties of enacting such change. Every class is a new experience!

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2022 - Now Economics Department Chair Siena College
2018 - Now Associate Professor of Economics Siena College
2012 - 2018 Assistant Professor of Economics Siena College
2011 - 2011 Consultant, Carsey Institute University of New Hampshire
2011 - 2012 Visiting Assistant Professor Eastern Connecticut State University
2011 - 2019 Consultant, Institute of Municipal and Regional Policy Central Connecticut State University
2010 - 2011 Research Assistant American University
2009 - 2010 Adjunct Professor American University
2007 - 2011 Statistician United States Census Bureau
2006 - 2006 Research Intern Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
2006 - 2009 Teaching Assistant American University
2005 - 2005 Research Intern Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
2005 - 2005 Research Intern National Bureau of Economic Research
2004 - 2006 Teaching Assistant Simmons College

Current Research

Crime, Child welfare policy, Policy outcome evaluation, Poverty

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Inclusive Health: Modeling COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities and Communities
    BMC Public Health, vol. 22
    May, 2022
  • Outcomes and savings associated with the Quality Parenting Initiative
    Social Work and Social Sciences Review, vol. 20
    November, 2019
  • Health Effects of Family Member Incarceration in the United States: A Meta-Analysis and Cost Study
    Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 103
    May, 2019
  • Class Debates in Intermediate Microeconomics: Social Economics and Pluralist Perspectives
    Forum For Social Economics
  • The poverty experience of lone mothers and their children
    Applied Economics Letters, vol. 25
  • High Impact Practices & Sophomore Retention
    Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, vol. 21
    March, 2017
  • Adoption Policy and the Well-Being of Adopted Children in the United States
    Child Welfare, vol. 95
  • Evaluating the poverty status of single parent families: Evidence of the feminization of poverty
    New York State Economics Association
  • Does the Unit of Analysis for Poverty Measurement Matter? A Comparison of the Supplemental Poverty Measure and the Official Poverty Measure
    New York Economic Review, vol. 47
    Fall, 2016
  • Impact of Caregiver Arrest on Minor Children: Implications for Use of Family Impact Statements in U.S. Courts
    Justice Policy Journal, vol. 13
    Fall, 2016
  • The Standard of Proof at Adjudication of Abuse or Neglect: Its Influence on Case Outcomes at Key Junctures
    Social Work and Social Sciences Review, vol. 17
    Fall/Winter, 2014
  • Unit of Analysis for Poverty Measurement: A Comparison of the Supplemental Poverty measure and the Official Poverty Measure
    Joint Statistical Meetings
    Summer, 2012

Awards & Distinctions

  • Douglas Hickey Chair in Business
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2022
  • Douglas Hickey Chair in Business
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2021
  • School of Business Excellence in Research Award
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2017
  • School of Business Excellence in Teaching Award
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2016
  • Trustco Award for Excellence in Community Service
    Category: Service-Community
    Siena College, 2016
  • Faculty Member of the Year Award, Office of Academic Community Engagement
    Category: Teaching
    Center for Academic Community Engagement, Siena College, 2015
  • TeamBILD
    Category: Research
    CURCA, 2015
  • Summer Scholars: Audrey Allen
    Category: Research
    Siena College CURCA, 2014
  • Summer research funding to collaborate with Audrey Sabatini

    Category: Research
    CURCA/ACE, 2013
  • Summer research funding to collaborate with Stacey Morris

    Category: Research
    CURCA, 2013
  • Economics Department Graduate Fellowship for tuition, stipend, and research
    Category: Other
    American University, 2010
  • James H. Weaver Award for outstanding teaching
    Category: Teaching
    American University, 2010
  • Naidel Dissertation Award for dissertation support
    Category: Research
    American University, 2010
  • Economics Department Graduate Fellowship for tuition, stipend, and research
    Category: Other
    American University, 2009
  • Mellon Grant for dissertation support
    Category: Research
    American University, 2009
  • Economics Department Graduate Fellowship for tuition, stipend, and research
    Category: Other
    American University, 2008
  • Economics Department Graduate Fellowship for tuition, stipend, and research
    Category: Other
    American University, 2007
  • Economics Department Graduate Fellowship for tuition, stipend, and research
    Category: Other
    American University, 2006


  • Strategies for reducing health disparities and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among formerly jailed people
    2023 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economic Association, New York City, United States of America
  • Stopping Prison Breakouts: A Model of COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities
    Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • Confining the Virus: Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 in Prisons
    October, 2020
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • It Takes a Village: Restoring Justice through Community Accountability Boards
    September, 2019
    New York State Economics Association, Rochester, New York
  • Evidence Building in Connecticut
    U.S. Census Bureau's Evidence Building Project Series, Chicago, Illinois
  • Why do marginal costs matter? And other questions economists ponder on sabbatical
    Economics Department Brownbag Series Lunch, Loudonville, New York
  • Class Debates as an Instructional Tool in an Intermediate Level Neoclassical Microeconomics Class: Introducing Pluralist Perspectives
    January, 2017
    International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, Chicago, Illinois
  • Program Utilization By Formerly Criminalized Youth: Linking Juvenile Recidivism Data to Data Held By US Census Bureau
    2017 Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, Chicago, Illinois
  • Thinking beyond the semester: Faculty engagement in the community
    Engage for Change, Capital Region Academic Community Engagement Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Interagency Collaboration to Safegaurd Children with Arrested Parents
    February, 2016
    Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Policing with the intent to improve child welfare: Findings from a recent intervention
    October, 2015
    New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • Moving Beyond Adult Criminal Justice
    August, 2015
    Results First 2015 State Convenin, Washington, District of Columbia
  • High Impact Practice at Siena: Too Little, Too Late?
    May, 2015
    Engage for Change, Capital Region Academic Community Engagement Conference, Loudonville, New York
  • The Feminization of Single-Parenthood
    February, 2015
    Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, New York City, New York
  • Estimating the Feminization of Poverty
    November, 2014
    Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Evaluating the Poverty Status of Single-Parents: Evidence of the Feminization of Poverty
    October, 2014
    New York State Economics Association, Loudonville, New York
  • Where we are, Where we are going
    July, 2014
    National Convening of Results First States, Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Improving the Mental Health of Children: Efficiency Considerations in State Child Welfare Systems
    March, 2014
    Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Connecticut's Progress to Implement Results First
    July, 2013
    Results First Convening (Pew/McArthur), Denver, Colorado
  • Connecticut: Update
    July, 2012
    Results First Convening (Pew/McArthur), Denver, Colorado
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mental Health Services for Children in Foster Care
    November, 2011
    Southern Economic Association, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Unit of Analysis for Poverty Measurement: A Comparison of the Supplemental Poverty measure and the Official Poverty Measure
    August, 2011
    Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, Florida
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mental Health Services for Children in Foster Care
    Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Implementing Sen's Capability Approach to Evaluate Foster Care Programs in the United States
    Southern Economic Association, San Antonio, Texas