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I am dedicated to the overall well-being of the student. Not just in the classroom and my courses, but I am very much interested in how a student is doing overall in their life, for example internships and on their road beyond Siena.

Degree Program University
Ph.D. Organizational Studies University at Albany, SUNY
M.B.A. Finance College of Saint Rose
B.A. Accounting University of the West Indies

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

I see myself as a teacher-scholar. I like to interject my research on women entrepreneurs across racial lines into what I am teaching. My research covers, management issues, gender issues, ethnic issues, global issues, as well as economic and sociological issues and I am able to bring all of that into the classroom and relate them to various areas in my teaching. I also see myself as a facilitator of students' thoughts and work hard at getting the students to engage in a very interactive and application based classroom.

The direct link to my latest book, Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Marketplace, can be accessed here:

What I Love About Siena

One of the things I like most about Siena is the ability to interact and mentor the students outside the classroom. I love teaching and doing research (especially with students) but I am grateful for the opportunities to interact one-on-one with the students.

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I love teaching all the courses. One of my favorites is the Introduction to Managament course we teach in our department (MGMT 211). I often have first years students, who are new to the campus and really entering their first years of learning on the campus. I also like this course because of its ability to allow you flexibility in how the topics are covered. For example, you could spend three weeks on International Management or Teamwork. It allows for in-depth creative analyses of certain topics.

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2011 - Now Professor of Management Siena College
2010 - 2011 Professor of Marketing and Management and Sociology Siena College
2007 - 2009 Hickey Chair (Endowed Faculty Position) Siena College
2005 - 2010 Associate Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
2000 - 2005 Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
1999 - 2000 Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management Siena College
1995 - 1999 Graduate Assistant University at Albany, SUNY
1991 - 1991 Financial Analyst Exxon Corporation
1991 - 1993 Marketing Analyst Exxon Corporation
1990 - 1991 Accountant Exxon Corporation

Current Research

Research area focuses on women entrepreneurs across racial lines. Has published several articles in a number of journals. Her first book, 'Diversity and Entrepreneurship: Analyzing Successful Women Entrepreneurs' was published in 2003. Her second book, 'Women Entrepreneurs Across Racial Lines: Issues of Human Capital, Financial Capital and Network Structures' is slated for publication in the Fall of 2004.

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Student Athletes Navigating Division I Sports in a Small College: Role Conflict in the Small College Context
    Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education
    June, 2023
  • Women Entreprenuers in the Film Industry: Obstacles, Challenges, and Opportunities
    International Conference on Globalization, Entrpreneurship and Emerging Economies, vol. 13
    December, 2022
  • Reimagining Social Support and Community For Elderly Asian Americans
    Institute for Global Business Research Summer Online Conference, vol. 6
    July, 2022
  • Women's Health and the African Continent: A Factbook Data Analysis Across Five Geographic Regions
    Institute for Global Business Research Summer Online Conference, vol. 6
    July, 2022
  • Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs; A Global Look at Current Facts, Controversial Figues and Future Implications
    International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 6
    June, 2022
  • Women's Health in Africa: Ghana Versus Sierra Leone
    International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
    June, 2022
  • Analyzing the Financial Burden of Using Student Loans to Finance a College Education
    Global Journal of Accounting and Finance, vol. 5
    May, 2021
  • Women Entrepreneurship and Growth of SMEs in Bukavu Town-Democratic Republic of Congo
    International Journal of Management and Applied Science, vol. 4
    December, 2018
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A Look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    Journal of International Management Studies, vol. 18
    April, 2018
  • Financially At Risk: College Students' Credit Card Usage: A Look at Risks, Opportunities and Failings
    Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, vol. 17
    October, 2017
  • An In-Depth Look at Women Entrepreneurs in a Caribbean Country: Cayman Islands
    EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues, vol. 4
    June, 2016
  • Introduction to the World of International Women Entrepreneurs
    International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, vol. 4
    April, 2016
  • A Study of Cayman Islands' Women Entrepreneurs
    The IRES International Conference
    January, 2016
  • Aboriginal and Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: The Case of Australia
    Journal of Psychology and Social Sciences, vol. IX
    August, 2015
  • Women Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean and Latin America Statistical Data, Issues and Recommendations
    Business Research Consortium of Western New York
    April, 2014
  • Gender, Entrepreneurship and economic development in the Caribbean
    International Conference of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • The Ethical Implications Women Entrepreneurs and Their Place in Globalization
    Nineteenth Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics
  • The Impact of Women Entrepreneurs on Globalization
    American Business Research Conference
  • An Analysis of College Students'Credit Card Usage
    Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, vol. 4
    October, 2011
  • A Statistical Analysis of Aboriginal Women Entrepreneurs
    Yulkuum Jerrung Indigenous Economic Development Conference
  • Cell Phone Usage and College Students' Academic Performance
    Hawaii Global Conference on Business and Finance
  • The Importance of and Three key resources for Minority Women entrepreneurs in the United State
    Eastern Sociological Association
  • The Social Planning of Curitiba, Brazil
    New York State Sociology Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Australia: Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • A Theoretical and Statistical Look at the Self-Employment Sector
    Intellect Based International Consortium, vol. 13
    December, 2010
  • Afro-Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs: Characteristics, Critical Issues and Current Comments
    Global Conference on Business and Finance
  • Afro-Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs: Characteristics, Critical Issues and Current Comments
    Research in Business and Economics Journal
  • Women Entrepreneurship in the United States: The Latest Look at the Statistical Figures
    Intellect Based International Consortium
  • The Role of Perception in Predicting Women Entrepreneurial Start-Ups' Behaviors and Success
    Journal of International Business & Economics
    October, 2009
  • A Case of Comparative Entrepreneurship: Minority Men and Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    Journal of Applied Business and Economics
  • A Global Perspective on Women Entrepreneurship: How Globalization Affects Women Entrepreneurs
    First Public Scholars in Africana Studies
  • A Global Perspective on Women Entrepreneurship
    Global and Entrepreneurship Conference Proceedings
  • Access To Social Capital
    Western New England College:Interdisciplinary Conference
  • Applying Traditional Theories to the Study of Australian Aboriginal Women Entrepreneurs
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference
  • Applying a New Theory to Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields: Oligopolistic Discriminatio
    International Journal of Business Research
  • Evidence on the Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs in Brazil: An Empirical Analysis
    International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, vol. 3
  • Minority Women Entrepreneurs Impediments: Engineering, Mining and Construction Fields
    Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol. 10
  • Minority Women Entrepreneurs and The Impediments They Face in the Engineering, Mining and Construction Fields
    Institute for Business and FInance Research
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 4
  • Women Entrepreneurs and The Protected Market Hypothesis, Ethnic Niches, Cultural and Disadvantage Theories
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurs and the Implications of Four Applicable Theories: Protected Market Hypothesis, Ethnic Niches, Cultural and Disadvantage Theories
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe: A Case Study
    Journal Of Global Business
  • Zimbabwe Women Business Owners: Survival Strategies and Implications for Growth
    Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol. 11
  • Characteristics of Underrepresented Self-Employed Groups
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 6
    July, 2008
  • Toward a Multidimensional Model of Social Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Clarifications, and Theoretical Perspectives
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 6
    June, 2008
  • Oligopolistic Discrimination and Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    Intellect Based International Consortium, vol. 2
    May, 2008
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    American Institute of Higher Education Conference
    April, 2008
  • A Case of Comparative Entrepreneurship: Minority Men and Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Applying a New Theory to Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Characteristics of Self-Employed Groups
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • New Leadership Theories and Their Applications to Today's Business Environment
    Global Conference on Business and Finance
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference
  • Towards a Multidimensional Model of Social Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Clarifications and Theoretical Perspectives
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe: A Case Study
    United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • An Initial Look at the Characteristics of Hispanic Women Business Owners and Their Business
    American Society For Competitiveness
  • A Comparative Assessment of Male and Female Business Owners in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    Global Conference on Business and Finance
    May, 2006
  • A Comparative Assessment of Male and Female Business Owners Engineering, Mining and Construction
    Global Conference on Business and Finance
  • A Look at Women Entrepreneurs on a Global Level
    Academy of Business Education Annual Meeting
  • A Theoretical Look at the Factors Impacting Financial Success of Women Business Owners: Namely Human Capital and Network Structure Dimensions
    Financial Education Association Conference
  • An Initial Look at the Characteristics of Hispanic Women Business Owners and Their Businesses
    Business Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 1
  • Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
    Review of Business Research, vol. VI
  • Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs: Human Capital, Financial Capital and Network Structure Relationships
    Journal of Business and Economics Research
  • Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs: Human Capital, Financial capital, and Network Structure Relationships
    Applied Business Research and College Teaching & Learningg Conference
  • Minority Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences
  • The Impact of Geographic Location, Industry Type, Number of Employees, and Years in Business on the Economic Success of Minority Woman Entrepreneurs
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 3
    April, 2005
  • A Statistical Look at Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace
    The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management, vol. 5
  • Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs: Human Capital, Financial Capital and Network Structures
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Analyzing Determinants of Economic Success for Women Business Owners
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference
  • Analyzing the Economic Success of Women Business Owners: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference
  • Applying Theories of Entrepreneurship to a Comparative Analysis of White Minority Women Business Owners
    Women in Management Review, vol. 19
  • Creating Jobs? Employment in Women-Owned Minority Businesses
    Journal Of Business & Entrepreneurship, vol. 16
  • Determinants of Economic Success for Women Entrepreneurs: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol. 3
  • Determinants of Economic Success for Women Entrepreneurs: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference
  • Hershey Corporation: Thinking Beyond the Wrapper
    The CASE Journal, vol. 1
  • Minority Enterprise and 'The Supportive Community Hypothesis': The Case of Businesses Owned by Asian and Hispanic Women
    International Business and Public Administration Conference
  • Minority Enterprise and 'the Supportive Community Hypothesis': The Case of Businesses Owned by Asian and Hispanic Women
    The International Journal of Business and Public Administration, vol. 2
  • The Impact of Geographic Location, Industry Type, Number Employees and Years in Business on the Economic Success of Minority Women Entrepreneurs
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • The Impact of Race, Industry Type, Number of Employees and Years in Business on the Economic Success of Minority Women Entrepreneurs
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Women Entrepreneurship Across Racial Lines: Current Status, Critical Issues and Future Implications
    Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, vol. 3
  • A Look at the Psychology of Entrepreneurial Behavior
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference
  • A Multi-Dimensional Look at the Small Business Owner
    North Central Business Journal, vol. 10
  • A Psychological Model of Entrepreneurial Behavior
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol. 2
  • A Psychological Model of the Entrepreneur
    International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference
  • An Exploratory Look at the Network Structures of Minority Business Owners: A Comparative Analysis Across Gender Lines
    International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference
  • An Exploratory Look at the Network Structures of Minority Business Owners: A Comparative Analysis Across Gender Lines
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol. 2
  • Analyzing Women Entrepreneurs in Home-Based Businesses
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Analyzing Women Entrepreneurs in Home-Based Businesses
    Women in Management Review, vol. 19
  • Analyzing the Economic Success of Women Business Owners: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting
  • Funding New Business Ventures: Differences in Minority and Non Minority Family-Owned Business' Access to Start-Up Capital
    International Business and Economics Research Conference
  • Funding New Business Ventures: Differences in Minority and Non Minority Family-Owned Business' Access to Start-up Capital
    Journal of Business and Economics Research, vol. 1
  • Hershey Foods: Thinking Beyond the Wrapper
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Hershey Foods: Thinking Beyond the Wrapper
    The CASE Journal, vol. 103
  • Pre-Business Experiences of Minority and White Women Entrepreneurs: An Exploratory Study of Pathways to Business Ownership
    Journal Of Business & Entrepreneurship
  • The State of Women Entrepreneurs in the Current Marketplace
    United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Wake Up and Smell the Chocolate: A Financial Analysis of Hershey Foods
    Financial Education Association Conference
  • A Look at Alternative Perspectives on Women Business Ownership
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference
  • Analyzing Alternative Theories on Women Business Ownership
    National Association of African American Studies
  • Analyzing the Economic Success of Female Small Business Owners in the Upstate New York Area: A Comparison Between Whites and Minorities
    National Association of African American Studies
  • A Theoretical Look at Women and Minority Business Owners
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference
  • Oligopolistic Discrimination and Woman Business Ownership
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Religious Orientation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
    Industrial Organization and Organizational Behavior Conference
  • A Cultural Analysis of the Arbor Hill Elementary School in Albany, New York
    NCRRME Conference
  • Assessing Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Organizations
    Industrial Organization and Organizational Behavior Conference
  • The Impact of a Community on an Inner City Community
    Odyssey of the Mind
  • Analyzing Women Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean and Latin America
    Business Research Consortium
    Spring, 2014
  • Female Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Size Enterprise Growth: Evidence from Congo
    International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, vol. 13
    Fall, 2020
  • Gender Role Perceptions and Job Satisfaction Levels
    Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol. 10
    Fall/Winter, 2010
  • Relationships Between College Costs and College Funding: Evidence from the United States
    Business Education & Accreditation, vol. 11
    Fall, 2019
  • The Impact of Social, Economic and Genetic Factors on Students' Alcohol Consumption Decisions
    Academy of Information And Management Sciences Journal, vol. 14
    Spring, 2011
  • Using Decision Tree Analysis to Predict Women's Entrepreneurial Choices
    Academy of Information And Management Sciences Journal, vol. 14
    Spring, 2011
  • Women Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean and Latin America Statistical Data, Issues and Recommendations
    International Conference in Business and Economic Development
    Winter/Spring, 2014

Awards & Distinctions

  •  Fulbright Specialist Senior Program (valid for 4 years). 
    Category: Teaching-Research
    Fulbright, 2023
  • Faculty- Student Round Table Discussion with Jared Hunter (Harvard University Student)
    Category: Research
    ICASTE, 2023
  • Grant to Study Native American Women Entrepreneurs in the United States Research will explore their social, economic and political challenges and look at human capital, social capital and financial capital characteristics that lead to their success. 
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2023
  • Health Professions Grant  - This award covers the following (1) Recruit high schools students to the Health Professions Programs (2)  Recruit community college students to the Health Professions Programs (3) Develop and conduct workships for Health Professions students (4) Develop and conduct Brown Bag Lunch Series for Health Professions students (5) Develop and conduct Speaker Series for Health Professions students (6) Create a HTOOLKIT for students in the Health Professions Programs to assist with various aspects of their career including graduate schools, scholarships, grants and internships. (7) Recruitment Video (added) and (8) Semester Newsletter (added).
    Category: Service-Professional
    Siena College, 2023
  • Research Faculty Mentor for Best Paper award for students at conference - Maria Carzo (Siena College student) and Gabrielle Hunter (University of Toronto student).
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2023
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2023
  • Eastern Academy of Management College Liaison
    Category: Service-Professional
    Eastern Academy of Management, 2022
  • Fellowship to Conduct Research on Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2022
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2022
  • Fellowship to Develop Black Lives Matter Course
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2021
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2021
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2020
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2019
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2017
  • Grant to teach high school students (girls) steps to becoming an entrepreneurship, including creating a detailed business plan.
    Category: Service-Community
    Time Union Grant Division, 2016
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2015
  •  Grant to teach high school students (girls) steps to becoming an entrepreneurship, including creating a detailed business plan.
    Category: Service-Community
    Times Union Grant Division, 2014
  • Summer Research Award With Students
    Category: Research
    Siena College - CURCA, 2013
  • Development of Course - The Sociology of Entrepreneurship- Done as a cross disciplinary exercise with Suvarna Cherukuri in Sociology.
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2010
  • Fulbright Specialist Senior Program (valid for 4 years).
    Category: Teaching-Research
    Fulbright, 2010
  • Summer Faculty Research Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2009
  • International Faculty Summer Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2008
  • Information Literacy Grant
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2007
  • Nominee
    Category: Other
    Excellence in Scholarship Award, 2007
  • Summer Faculty Research Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2007
  • Summer Faculty Research Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2006
  • Nominee
    Category: Other
    Excellence in Scholarship Award, 2005
  • Summer Faculty Research Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2004
  • Committee on Teaching Research Grant
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2003
  • Cover Expenses for Second Book
    Category: Research
    Coleman Foundation, 2003
  • Women and Multicultural Committee
    Category: Teaching
    Siena College, 2002
  • Harvey Summer Fellowship Research Grant
    Category: Research
    Siena College, 2000
  • Grant from Initiatives for Women Organization -SUNY Albany. Cover Expenses for Dissertation
    Category: Research
    University at Albany, 1999
  • Recipient for total expenditures for Bachelors Degree
    Category: Other
    Exxon Scholarship, 1990
  • Recipient for total expenditures for Bachelors Degree
    Category: Other
    Exxon Scholarship, 1989
  • Recipient for total expenditures for Bachelors Degree
    Category: Other
    Exxon Scholarship, 1988
  • Recipient for total expenditures for Bachelors Degree
    Category: Other
    Exxon Scholarship, 1987

Books & Book Chapters

  • Native American Women Entrepreneurs: Politics, Activism and Culture

  • Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
    Macro World Publishing
  • Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs in the Canadian Provinces: Overcoming Social, Economic and Political Challenges

  • Women's Health in a Global Crisis

  • Current Business Issues in African Countries: Supply Chain, Climate Change, Covid-19, Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurship

  • Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace
    Edward Elgar Publishing Inc
  • International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs
    Edward Elgar Publishing Inc
  • Women Entrepreneurship Across Racial Lines: Issues of Human Capital, Financial Capital and Network Structures
    Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Diversity and Entrepreneurship: Analyzing Successful Women Entrepreneurs
    University Press of America


  • Black Students' Experiences at Elite Preparatory Schools: Straddling Two Worlds
    June, 2023
    International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education, Antalya, Turkey
  • Women's Health in European Countires
    June, 2023
    International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education, Antalya, Turkey
  • Women's Health on the Asian Continent
    May, 2023
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Costa Rica
  • Youth Employment in the United States During Covid-19
    May, 2023
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • A Health Status Update on Women in African Countries: Current Statistics, Critcal Dilemmas and Key Correlations
    April, 2023
    Current Business Issues in African Countries, Virtual, Morocco
  • Occupational Trends in the United States: An Analysis Across Gender and Racial Lines
    April, 2023
    International Conference in Business and Economic Development, Brooklyn, New York
  • Reproductive Rights, Maternal Mortality and Women's Health in Asian Countries
    April, 2023
    Western Business & Management Conference, Virtual, California
  • Survivalists Women Entrepreneurs in Pre-World War II Albany, New York
    April, 2023
    International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, Denver, Colorado
  • Women Entreprenuers in the Film Industry: Obstacles, Challenges, and Opportunities
    December, 2022
    International Conference on Globalization, Entrpreneurship and Emerging Economies, Virtual, Virtual
  • Women's Health in African Countries: Current Statistics, Critical Dilemmas and Key Correlations
    November, 2022
    International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, Denver, Colorado
  • Reimagining Social Support and Community For Elderly Asian Americans
    July, 2022
    Institute for Global Business Research Summer Online Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • Women's Health and the African Continent: A Factbook Data Analysis Across Five Geographic Regions
    July, 2022
    Institute for Global Business Research Summer Online Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • Occupational Trends Over the Last Fifty Years in the United States: An Analysis Accross Racial Lines
    April, 2022
    Institute for Global Business Research International Conference, New Orelans, Louisiana
  • Women Entrepreneurs in African Countries
    April, 2022
    Current Business Issues in African Countries, Staten Island, New York
  • Indigenous Women Entrrepreneurs: A Global Look at Current Facts, Controversial Figures and Future Implications
    March, 2022
    International Conference on Global Economy in Business, Management, Social Science and Humanity Perspective, Ottawa, Canada
  • Women's Health in Africa: Ghana Versus Sierra Leone
    March, 2022
    International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, British Kingston, Jamaica
  • Academics vs Athletics: Student Athletes' Dichotomous Performance at a Small Division I Liberal Arts College
    March, 2021
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Virtual
  • How Are Economic, Social and Political Variables Affected in Different Latin American and Caribbean Countries?
    March, 2021
    Eastern Academy of Management, Virtual, Virtual
  • Implications of Tuition Policies and Student Loans on College Students: A Look at Problems and Possible Alternatives
    March, 2021
    Eastern Academy of Management, Virtual, Virtual
  • How Are Economic, Social and Political Variables Affected in Different Latin American and Caribbean Countries?
    January, 2021
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Virtual
  • Implications of Tuition Policies and Student Loans on College Students: A Look at Problems and Possible Alternatives
    October, 2020
    Institute for Global Business Research International Internet Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • The Psychology of Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions
    October, 2020
    Western Business & Management Conference, Virtual, Virtual
  • Factors Associated with College Athletes and Student Loans
    May, 2020
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Virtual, Virtual
  • Students Using Student Loans to Finance a College Education
    April, 2020
    Business Research Consortium, Virtual, Virtual
  • Correlation Between Job Satisfaction and Other Factors
    July, 2019
    International Conference on Management, Economics & Social Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Female Entrepreneurship and Growth of SMEs in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    December, 2018
    International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education, New York, New York
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between College Student Funding and Varying Factors
    November, 2018
    West East Institute (WEI) International Academic Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Women Entrepreneurship and Growth of SMEs in Bukavu Town - Democratic Republic of Congo
    August, 2018
    International Conference on Economics and Business Management, Toronto, Canada
  • International Women Entrepreneurs in the Technology Industry: A Look at Key Statistical Analyses
    June, 2018
    International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET), Washington, District of Columbia
  • Gender Job Satisfaction Levels and Gender Role Perceptions: A look at Pre and Post 2008 Recession Data
    December, 2017
    International Conference on Economics and Business Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • A Study of Cayman Islands Women Entrepreneurs
    September, 2015
    International Conference on Science, Technology and Management, Toronto, Canada
  • Aboriginal and IndigenousWomen Entrepreneurs: The Case of Australia
    August, 2015
    Academic OASIS/IAABR-Orlando International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Introduction to the World of International Women Entrepreneurs
    August, 2015
    Academic OASIS/IAABR-Orlando International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • A Qualitative Analysis of Women Entrepreneurs in Nine Countries
    April, 2013
    Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Buffalo, New York
  • Entrepreneurship Across and Within Cultures: A Study of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Australian Women Entrepreneurs'
    November, 2011
    Yulkuum Jerrang Victorian Indigenous Economic Development Conference, Melbourne, Australia
  • The Importance of and Three key resources for Minority Women entrepreneurs in the United State
    February, 2011
    Eastern Sociological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • A Multi-Country Analysis on Women Entrepreneurship: Lessons From Multiple Perspectives
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • An Analysis of College Students' Credit Card Usage
    Intellect Based International Consortium, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Cell Phone Usage and College Students' Academic Performance
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • The Effect of Alcohol on College Students' Educational Attainment Levels
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Using Probit Analysis to Analyze College Students' Credit Card Usage
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • A Theoretical and Statistical Look at the Self-Employemnet Sector
    December, 2010
    Intellect Based International Consortium, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Analyzing Australian Women Entrepreneurs
    Prairie View A & M University - Speaker Series, Houston, Texas
  • The Leadership of Women Entrepreneurs
    New York State Bar Association: Women on The Move, Albany, New York
  • Women Entrepreneurship in the United States: The Latest Look at the Statistical Figures
    Intellect Based International Consortium, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Access To Social Capital
    November, 2009
    Western New England College:Interdisciplinary Conference, Springfield, Massachusetts
  • A Global Persepective on Women Entrepreneurship: How Globalization Affects Women Entrepreneurs
    October, 2009
    First Public Scholars in Africana Studies, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Women Entrepreneurs and The Protected Market Hypothesis, Ethnic Niches, Cultural and Disadvantage Theories
    October, 2009
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Minority Women Entrepreneurs and The Impediments They Face in the Engineering, Mining and Construction Fields
    May, 2009
    Institute for Business and FInance Research, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Characteristics of Underrepresented Self-Employed Groups
    January, 2009
    Academy of Business Research (Teaching) Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Women: The Force in Entrepreneurship
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: New Horizon Series, Troy, New York
  • A Case of Comparative Entrepreneurship: Minority Men and Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    September, 2008
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Characteristics of Self-Employed Groups
    September, 2008
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Towards a Multi-Dimensional Model of Social Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Clarifications, and Theoretical Perspectives
    September, 2008
    International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Asking Questions about Women Entrepreneurs: Studying, Teaching, and Guiding Entrepreneurial Women
    August, 2008
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    May, 2008
    Intellect Based International Consortium, Nashville, Tennessee
  • Oligopolistic Discrimination and Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    April, 2008
    American Institute of Higher Education Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Characteristics of Underrepresented Self-Employed Groups
    January, 2008
    Academy of Business Research (Teaching) Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Afro-Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs: Characteristics, Critical Issues and Current Comments
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Applying Traditional Theories to the Study of Australian Aboriginal Women Entrepreneurs
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Applying a New Theory to Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Anaheim, California
  • New Leadership Theories and Their Applications to Today's Business Environment
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  • Students' Selection, Participation and Performance in Undergraduate Math Courses: Direct and Indirect Influences
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe: A Case Study
    United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Anaheim, California
  • An Initial Look at the Characteristics of Hispanic Women Business Owners and Their Business
    American Society For Competitiveness, Orlando, Florida
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    American Institute of Higher Education in Orlanda, FL, Orlando, Florida
  • A Comparative Assessment of Male and Female Business Owners Engineering, Mining and Construction
    June, 2006
    Global Conference on Business and Finance, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • A Look at Women Entrepreneurs on a Global Level
    April, 2006
    Academy of Business Education Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
  • A Theoretical Look at the Factors Impacting Financial Success of Women Business Owners: Namely Human Capital and Network Structure Dimensions
    April, 2006
    Financial Education Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas
  • Minority Women Entrepreneurs in Engineering, Mining and Construction
    March, 2006
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Dallas, Texas
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Non-Traditional Fields
    February, 2006
    American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • 'Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs: Human Capital, Financial capital, and Network Structure Relationships' in Orlando, FL.
    Applied Business Research and College Teaching & Learningg Conference, Orlando, Florida
  • The Impact of Race, Geographic Location, and Industry Type on Women Business Owners
    April, 2004
    Academy of Business Education Annual Meeting, Mystic, Connecticut
  • Determinants of Economic Success for Women Entrepreneurs: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    March, 2004
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Analyzing Determinants of Economic Success for Women Business Owners
    January, 2004
    International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Analyzing the Economic Success of Women Business Owners: An Analysis Across Racial Lines
    October, 2003
    Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
  • Analyzing Women Entrepreneurs in Home-Based Businesses
    August, 2003
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
  • A Look at the Psychology of Entrepreneurial Behavior
    April, 2003
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas
  • Integrating Information Literacy into an Undergraduate Business Communication Course
    April, 2003
    Association for Business Communication, Toronto, Canada
  • A Look at Alternative Perspectives on Women Business Owners
    May, 2002
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference, McLean, Vermont
  • Analyzing Alternative Theories on Women Business Owners
    February, 2002
    National Association of African American Studies, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Oligopolistic Discrimination and Woman Business Ownership
    May, 2000
    Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Danvers, Massachusetts
  • A Theoretical Look at Women and Minority Business Owners
    April, 2000
    Society for the Advancement of Management International Business Conference, Saint Augustine, Florida
  • The Impact of a Community on an Inner City School
    October, 1996
    Odyssey of the Mind, Washington, District of Columbia