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Do you want to study crime and justice related issues like the impact of mass incarceration, social problems like inequality, global political violence, human trafficking, and violence against women bother you? Are you intrigued by the disconnect between your experiences and the policies and communicative strategies of government, media, or corporates? You've come to the right place.

You'll have the some amazing opportunities to customize your experience and build your portfolio:

  • Conduct research and analyze data using software like the MAXQDA and the SPSS.
  • Complete a systematic study of societies- looking at social institutions, processes, identities and problems. 
  • Capitalize on our in-house interdisciplinary strengths. Explore our community development certificate, and minors in health studies, criminal justice and international studies. 
  • Gain a global and transnational perspective and take one of our travel courses.
  • Get hands-on experience in the local community.

Create your Career

Our curriculum prepares Saints for careers in the fields of: non-profit, education, public policy, law, law enforcement, social work, government, business, and administration.

Jack Mulvaney '13

Meet Jack. After graduation, he joined an educational based non-profit, City Year, in Philadelphia. He is currently an Academic Coordinator with the Harlem Children's Zone, which has been widely recognized as the "national model for breaking the cycle of poverty."

Rong Fu

Department Chair, Associate Professor of Sociology