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In keeping with the values of our profession and in partnership with the Liberal Arts focus and Franciscan traditions of Siena College, our mission is to:

  • Prepare baccalaureate students for effective generalist social work practice, equipped with the requisite professional knowledge, values, ethics, and skills.
  • Foster dynamic interactions and a healthy exchange of ideas within the Program, College, and broader community.
  • Facilitate critical thinking augmented with the creativity and natural curiosity of our students.  
  • Promote conditions which encourage respect for human diversity.
  • Foster a commitment to social, economic, and environmental justice and the protection of human rights.
  • Provide students with strategies to eliminate human oppression, economic deprivation, discrimination and environmental degradation.
  • Prepare students to become leaders in creating a just world.


Upon completion of the Social Work Program students will possess the knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive/affective processes to:

  • Master the 9 competencies specified by CSWE's 2015 Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards (EPAS).
  • Engage in evidence-based practice in a diversity affirming and culturally competent manner.
  • Advocate for social, economic, and environmental justice and the protection of human rights through participation in social action.
  • Acquire a strong professional identity through ongoing self-reflection and a lifetime commitment to professional development.