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You are invited to complete an online survey being conducted by the Digital Legacy Association in the UK in conjunction with Dr. Carla Sofka at Siena College.

The goal of this project is to learn about your attitudes about planning related to your digital assets and the end of your life as well as how you may be using technology and social media to cope with death and grief. 

  • The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 
  • By participating in this survey, you may gain some familiarity with planning for your digital legacy and how technology and social media are being used to cope with death and grief; no other personal benefits are anticipated. 
  • Participation is voluntary and you can skip any questions or quit the survey at any time without any negative consequence. 

Please note that the questions related to death, loss, and grief may cause temporary distress. Other than this normal reaction, no risks are anticipated. 

Feel free to share the link with others who might be interested.  

Please complete the survey

You are invited to complete an online survey being conducted by the Digital Legacy Association in the UK in conjunction with Dr. Carla Sofka at Siena College.


This survey has been approved by the Siena College Institutional Review Board (IRB #02-03-22) which reviews all human subjects research.

If you have any questions about the process that is used by Siena to protect participants in research from any harm or your rights as a research participant, please contact the IRB

Questions?  Contact either Carla or James

Dr. Carla Sofka

Professor of Social Work

309 Rosetti Hall - Siena College, Loudonville, NY 12211