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G. Hakim Asadi, LMSW
Class of 2012
Schenectady, NY
Why did you choose Siena College?
It's a pretty funny story, but to make it short Siena was always my first choice as a senior in high school. During the summer of my junior year in high school I came to Siena for a program to experience the School of Business, more specifically the accounting program. So, it was my opportunity to stay on campus, sit in the classrooms and eat food from Saga one summer. After that I said, "this is it." I didn't actually arrive to Siena until my sophomore year as a transfer.
Why social work?
I often get this question and I think long and hard and then the words come to mind "I didn't choose social work, social work chose me" and as corny as it reads and sounds, it's the truth. I came in as a business major ready to run a company but soon realized "this isn't it." There was a buzz about the Social Work program and I was encouraged to talk to Donna McIntosh, department chair at the time, to get more information about the program and ask as many questions as I could. After talking to Donna I went ahead and I enrolled in two classes (Intro to Social Work and Communications in Social Work). I faced some challenges but something about social work felt right for me. Primarily because it extended beyond course work and reached what I wanted to do as a profession coupled with who I was as a person.
What was your most meaningful experience at Siena?
Among so many meaningful experiences I would have to say my relationship with the Social Work Department. Each professor played a significant role in shaping me as a student and now as a practitioner. They believed in my potential and often reminded me of my potential while highlighting my progress.
What is your current position?
I currently work full time at Beyond Living. I started my practice after years of working in both the micro and macro settings in social work. It is an opportunity the work with individuals and the community as a training facilitator and speaker.
In what ways did Siena prepare you for life and work after college?
Siena as a college prepared me in ways of time management and networking and the value of community. As a student, I still; worked in the community and the explanation was always to produce and progress. For the classes, professors, and myself the work needed to be done without excuses. As a social worker, it prepared me beyond words. Siena College prepared me to have a heart of asocial worker which is reflected in my work as a professor and a private practitioner.
Rev. 2022