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One of Siena’s most popular majors, the psychology program prepares you to enter graduate programs and/or careers in specialties like clinical health psychology, school psychology, child psychology, forensic psychology, and more. You'll have some amazing opportunities to customize your experience and build your portfolio:

  • Take a wide range of courses in child, adolescent, and adult psychology.
  • Hands-on experience in laboratories and internships, as well as independent research.
  • Development of strong critical thinking, scientific reasoning, communication, and micro-counseling skills. 

Our Saints Succeed

Our grads have had considerable success in competitive graduate programs, including those at the University of Connecticut, Seton Hall University, St. John’s University, SUNY Albany, and Lehigh University. They have launched successful careers in psychology practices, counseling centers, human resources departments, colleges, and school systems. 

Max Levine, Ph.D.

Department Chair, Professor of Psychology