Career Education and Professional Development
Looking for more information on how to take the next step? Our Career Center is there to help.
What can I do with a physics degree?
A physics bachelor's degree prepares students for a broad range of technical careers. Our graduates have many options after graduation. About a 1/3 pursue graduate work in physics, engineering, astronomy, and business. A few become high school teachers, and the rest find employment in the technical workforce.
Our students pursue graduate school in astronomy, physics and engineering. Some of our recent graduates are now attending:
Want more information on graduate schools?
Students interested in teaching should pursue the education track within the physics majors. Students completing this track graduate with an initial New York State Certification to teach physics and physical science in grades 7 through 12.
Did you know that physics majors as a group perform extremely well on entrance exams for medical school and law school? A number of our recent graduates are pursuing medical-related careers such as medical physics, medicine and optometry.
Looking for more information on how to take the next step? Our Career Center is there to help.