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Why Physics at Siena?

If you have ever been curious about how the universe works, then physics may be for you. Maybe you are drawn to astrophysics, particle physics, data science, or computational physics. Or maybe physics is your pathway to engineering.  Or maybe you want to teach physics.

Regardless of your end goal, studying physics will strengthen your problem-solving, quantitative, and computational skills. You will explore concepts ranging from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmological scales, and you will be well-prepared to enter the technical workforce or pursue an advanced degree in science or engineering.

Reach for the Stars

Physics and astronomy students have dedicated access to the Breyo Observatory, a state-of-the-art 0.7-meter optical telescope (the largest in the Capital Region and the fourth-largest in New York State!) right on the roof of the science building. 

Equipped with modern instrumentation, students can undertake cutting-edge research projects of their own design, setting them apart for technical jobs that make use of advanced equipment and instrumentation, or for graduate school in physics, astronomy, engineering, and other allied fields.

Top-Notch Research Experiences

Our faculty are leaders in their respective fields, with active research grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the Department of Energy. 

Physics students can get involved in research as early as their freshman year, with opportunities to present their work at national conferences or to travel for research around the world, from Chile and Switzerland, to the Canary Islands and Greenland.

What's next?

Looking to continue on to pursue graduate school? Want to work at a technical company? Or looking to teach? We've got you covered!

Dr. Michele McColgan

Department Chair, Associate Professor of Physics

152 Roger Bacon, 515 Loudon Rd, Loudonville, NY 12211