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AP (Advanced Placement) Exam taken in high school:

If student receives a score of 4 or 5, student typically receives the Siena course 201 equivalent in that language. 

Click here to see detailed information on transfer of AP credit

College level language classes (taken while a high school student):

Student must have an official transcript sent to their Dean's office for review.  Assistant Dean will review materials and make transfer designation in consultation with appropriate language department, if necessary.

Native speakers of the language to be studied

Require consultation with Department Chair for appropriate placement.

Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI):

If you are interested in this test, please see the Department Chair. 

French and Spanish Language Students:

Please contact Kathy Renaud in the Office of Liberal Arts  for instructions on how to take the French and/or the Spanish Placement Test.


Department Chair, Professor of Modern Languages & Classics, Professor of French