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At Siena College, students in mathematics have the opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty on cutting-edge research. The skills students develop conducting research are highly sought-after by employers and graduate institutions, and have helped our alumni obtain coveted positions at establishments such as Google, NYS Department of Health, and Process Engineering.

Recent student research projects

Name Research
 David Talone  Real analysis in the lean proof assistant
 Christian Kolker  Real analysis in the lean proof assistant
Jack Farrell Generalized ODE compartmental models - SEIAR
Anna Morelli The silver bullet of lycanthropy interventions
Owen Spolyar Generalized ODE compartmental models - SEIAR
Ben Reale Covid vaccination of incarcerated individuals
Eli Reece On the origins of zombies: a modeling approach
Alisha Kulmari On the origins of zombies: a modeling approach
Jacob Pacheco Guns, zombies, and steel-head axes
Ahmani Roman Guns, zombies, and steel-head axes
Usama Zafar Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19
Nicole Sell Epidemic model for a tick-borne disease
Ahmani Roman Wonder drugs and where to use them: a forecast on ivermectin's impact on malaria in Africa
Daniel Graham A multi-model comparison of measles interventions
Will Marino Students-helping-students
Andrew Klug Predicting the implications of the hepatitis B vaccine on the virulence evolution of hepatitis D
Brianna Murphy A forecast of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistant malaria in Malawi: a modeling study
Brian Valtin On the evolution of HIV caused by Human Pegivirus co-infection
Veda Chandwani The health benefit and cost-effectiveness of reducing severe malaria with gut microbiota
Justmil Villanueva Evaluating the roll of computers in enhancing mathematical achievement in Capital District schools
Allison Mahoney
Evaluating the threat of Bacterial Kidney Disease evolution in salmon aquaculture
Emily Casey  Computable Legendrian knot invariants
Francesca Romano
Explicit formulas for multivariable Euler and Bernoulli numbers
Maureen Jeffery 
Moments in finite von Neumann algebras
Joseph D’Avanzo ζ(n) via hyperbolic functions
Lindsay Kulzer
The Group of Primitive Almost Pythagorean Triples
Nicholas Noblett Nonresidually solvable hyperlinear one-relator groups
Matthew Farrelly
The Burnside Group B(3,2) as a Two-Relator Quotient of C3*C3 

Our research students learn to ...

  1. Communicate complex ideas and manage long-term project;
  2. Explore new ideas and mathematical objects;
  3. Look for patterns and use those patterns to predict the behavior of complex systems;
  4. Generalize their work to find new uses for the tools and techniques they have developed;
  5. Scour the mathematical literature to find recent articles relating to their own work; and
  6. Publicly present their work to other students and faculty in either the Siena Math Colloquium, the Siena Academic Showcase, or at a national research conference.

“Doing math research has been an eye-opening experience to all of the opportunities a career in math has to offer. Six weeks of research has given me more problem solving skills than sitting in a classroom for four years would, and these skills are applicable to all kinds of situations.” - Francesca Romano (2014)