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Do you want to be part of the solution? As an environmental studies and sciences major at Siena College, you’ll become a problem solver prepared for careers in ecological restoration, pollution abatement, sustainability coordination; renewable energy systems, and environmental education, policy, or law, to name just a few.

Not sure which major is right for you? We've got you covered. The difference comes down to which tools you will rely upon most when attempting to solve environmental problems. Both degree tracks are interdisciplinary and both prepare you to be an environmental professional.

  • focuses on solving environmental problems with ecological and analytical tools.
  • Requires significant coursework in mathematics, biology, and chemistry or physics.

If you’re thinking about a career in natural resources management, environmental toxicology, or energy systems, this is the major for you. 

  • Relies upon the social sciences and humanities as problem-solving tools.
  • Pairs well with a minor in political science, international studies, or business, or a certificate in community development.

An environmental studies major is a good fit if you’re interested in a career in sustainability coordination, environmental education, or environmental law.

Location, Location, Location

Siena’s location in New York’s Capital Region will give you easy access to field study sites in the Hudson River Valley and Adirondack Mountains.

Matt Porter '15

“As an environmental science major at Siena, I was able to take my passion for ice fishing and build my own independent study research project on how environmental change is affecting participation in the sport. My project involved interviewing ice fishermen and assessing their perceptions of changing ice conditions.” 

Get Involved

Our active student environmental club will get you involved in community environmental education and citizen science projects.

Sustainability @ Siena

Learn what makes Siena sustainable, including: recycling, water bottle fill-up stations, rain gardens, Roots cafe, and much more. 

Mary Beth Kolozsvary

Department Chair, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences