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Spring 2023 

Dr. Keith Wilhite's book Contested Terrain: Suburban Fiction and U.S. Regionalism, 1945-2020 was published in December 2022 by University of Iowa Press as part of the New American Canon Series in Contemporary Literature and Culture. 

Dr. Shannon Draucker
’s article, “Ladies’ orchestras and music-as-performance in fin-de-siècle Britain” was recently published in the journal Nineteenth-Century Contexts (link here).  In September 2022, she presented a paper on Victorian studies pedagogy at the North American Victorian Studies Association conference in Bethlehem, PA.  In March 2023, she will present material from her book-in-progress at the Northeast Victorian Studies Association in New York, NY.

Dr. Stacey Dearing
’s essay “Remembering Dorothy May Bradford’s Death and Reframing ‘Depression’ in Colonial New England” received the 2021 Richard Beale Davis prize for the best essay published in volume 56 of Early American Literature (announced Nov. 2022). Also in Fall 2022 she won the Siena College School of Liberal Arts Contingent Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching. 

Dr. Dearing has continued to publish and present at local and national venues: A version of her work on Dorothy May Bradford with a supplemental reflection is forthcoming this summer in Psychoanalytic Intersections: A Collection of Papers by Visiting Scholars of the Austen Riggs Center Erikson Institute for Education and Research (2000-2020) published by Routledge. In April 2023 she will be presenting on a panel about historical fiction, titled “Filling In The Blanks: The Importance of Historical Fiction in Sharing Women's Stories”, at Siena’s Standish library. During the summer of 2023, she will be presenting a paper titled “Avoiding Sordid Speculation: Dorothy May Bradford’s Death and Ethical Conversations about Suicide in Early American Literary History” at the Society of Early Americanists’ 13th Biennial Conference in Washington, D.C. 

Dr. James Belflower
’s collaborative graphic novel, Hist, was published by Calamari Press in September 2022. Since its publication Dr. Belflower has composed and performed excerpts from his ongoing soundtrack for the graphic novel with coauthor Matthew Klane at a variety of venues in the Northeast. In November he was invited to Endicott College to perform and give a talk on the creative process behind HIST. The HIST tour continues with performances in Buffalo, D.C., and Durham in Spring 2023. In June 2023, Dr. Belflower will present his essay on the Objectivist poet Charles Reznikoff, “Stateless Citizens: Charles Reznikoff’s Students,” at the Inscriptions: Charles Reznikoff (1895-1976) conference in France. This is the first conference in France dedicated entirely to Reznikoff’s work. He continues to produce In Form, a radio show that explores the diversity of poetic forms, with segments coproduced by students from his course “ENGL 259 Linguistic Architecture | The Histories of Poetic Forms.” The show is now in its fifth season and the newest episodes of In Form are broadcast on WVCR 88.3 “The Saint.” Thursdays at 10pm. 

Professor Karin Lin-Greenberg
’s story collection Vanished was published in September 2022 by the University of Nebraska Press as the winner of the Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize. The collection received a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly. She was interviewed about the collection for Zyzzyva. Her story “Escapees” was published in the Winter 2023 issue of The Southern Review and her essay “Disappearances” is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner. Her graphic narrative “Equilibrium” was published in the Spring 2022 issue of Shenandoah and can be read online here. Her novel YouAre Here is forthcoming from Counterpoint Press in May 2023. It has been named one of the “65 Best and Most Anticipated Books of 2023” by Elle, one of the “105Buzziest Debut Novels of the New Year” by Goodreads, and one of “Zibby Owens’sMost Anticipated Books of 2023.” 


Dr. Lisa Nevarez will be presenting a paper, "Devouring Books: Vampires as Literary Consumers," at the April 2023 Popular Culture Association conference. She continues as one of Vampire Studies Area co-chairs, and looks forward to resuming this conference in-person. She has a forthcoming article on family in the Twilight Saga, and is currently working on an article focused on teaching the figure of the vampire in a Romantic literature class. This Spring she is once again teaching Race and Identities (RAES 200) with Dr. Christa Grant as part of the newly-renamed Race and Ethnic Studies Minor.

Dr. Christi Spain-Savage
's essay, "Women's Intersectional Shop Labor in the Royal Exchange," has been accepted for publication in the edited collection, Intersectionalities of Class in Early Modern English Drama, which will be published in 2023. She is currently working on her book manuscript, Narratives of Working Women in Early Modern London: Gendering the City, and is excited to present her paper, "'Brave Captain Courageous': Gender, Crime, and Violence in Sir Thomas More," at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in March of 2023.



SPRING 2022 

Dr. Christi Spain-Savage presented her paper, "'Wiser than her Neighbors?': Cunning Reputation in The Wise Woman of Hogsdon," in the seminar on early modern city comedies at the Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America in April, 2022. She is also revising an essay, "Women's Shop Labor in the Royal Exchange: Intersections of Gender, Class, and Geography," for an essay collection on "Class Intersectionalities." During the 2021-2022 academic year she was honored to be nominated for the Jerome Walton Excellence in Teaching Award.

Dr. Shannon Draucker has received a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend to conduct research for her book project-in-progress, Sounding Bodies: Music Physiology and Queer Erotics in Victorian Literature.  This spring, she published two articles on classical music and television in Public Books and the Journal of Victorian Culture Online.  She also presented at meetings of the Capital District Feminist Studies Conference and the North American Victorian Studies Association conference.  In Fall 2021, she received the School of Liberal Arts’s Outstanding Tenure-Track Teacher-Scholar Award.  

Dr. Stacey Dearing presented her work on the women of the Mayflower, titled “Goodwives and Gentle Mothers: Female Essentialism in Adaptatiythons of the Mayflower” at the 10th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference hosted by Siena College in April 2022. In March she co-presented a public webinar titled “Fact & Myth: Dorothy May Bradford Remembered”, hosted by the Pilgrim Hall Museum and the Plymouth Antiquarian Society. Two of her essays have been accepted for publication in edited collections; both are expected to be published in 2023. 

During the Spring 2022 semester, Dr. Todd Snyder continued to promote his new book Beatboxing: How Hip-Hop Changed the Fight Game, an exploration of hip-hop's enduring impact on the world of professional boxing.  Since the book’s release, Dr. Snyder has appeared on numerous radio broadcasts and sports programs. Beatboxing was recently profiled on ESPN. Dr. Snyder will present this research at the annual conference of the Sports Literature Association in June. This semester, students in Dr. Snyder's WRIT 350: Rhetoric(s) of Hip-Hop Culture course organized and hosted Siena's 9th Annual Hip-Hop Week Keynote lecture, featuring iconic rap producer Easy Mo Bee and veteran hip-hop journalist Riley Wallace. In March, Dr. Snyder received Siena's Award for Excellence, presented in recognition of extraordinary contributions to the Siena College community.

Karin Lin-Greenberg's story "Still Life" was published in the Spring 2022 edition of Virginia Quarterly Review (University of Virginia) and can also be read online here. In Spring 2022, she taught Intermediate Fiction Writing for the first time; the course included units on the art of revision and contemporary literary journals. It also featured class visits with publishing industry professionals. 

Fall 2021

Dr. Lisa Nevarez continues as co-chair of the Vampire Studies area at the Popular Culture Association. She is currently working on two projects. One is a pedagogical essay on teaching Stoker's Dracula and the other is on vampires and libraries that includes analyses of Kostova's The Historian and Sanvoisin's The Ink Drinker/Le Buveur d'Encre. She is also working on a larger pedagogical project on teaching horror fiction.

Dr. Shannon Draucker’s article, “Music Physiology, Erotic Encounters, and Queer Reading Practices” was published this fall in Victorian Literature and Culture (link here).  She also wrote two public-facing pieces for the LA Review of Books blog—one on Netflix’s “The Chair” and the other on classical music and COVID-19.  

This fall, Dr. Catherine Engh's article "Wordsworth, Ecocriticism, and Natural Education" was accepted for publication in European Romantic Review. The essay is forthcoming in 2022. In spring, she is looking forward to teaching ENGL 220, Literature and the Environment. In this class, students will track shifting attitudes about the nature of nature in literature and film from the nineteenth century to today. Course units will be organized by key concepts such as wilderness and the pastoral, pollution and globalization. 

Professor Karin Lin-Greenberg's second story collection, Vanished, was chosen from more than 1,200 submissions to win the Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize in Fiction and will be published by the University of Nebraska Press in September 2022. Here is a link to the announcement. Her story "Housekeeping" won a Pushcart Prize and was published in Pushcart Prize XLVI in December and was also named a Distinguished Story of 2020 in Best American Short Stories 2021. Her story "Autobiography" was published in Wigleaf and can be read here. Her story "Still Life" is forthcoming from Virginia Quarterly Review (University of Virginia), and her graphic narratives "When We Were Detectives" and "Equilibrium" are forthcoming from Redivider (Emerson College) and Shenandoah (Washington and Lee University).

Dr. Christi Spain-Savage is currently working on two projects. One is an essay, "Women's Shop Labor in the Royal Exchange," for a collection on class intersectionalities in early modern literature, and the other is a chapter on cunning women, reputation, and neighborhood for her book-in-progress, Hucksters, Hags, and Bawds: Gendering Place in Early Modern London. She is excited to teach Revenge Tragedy, a new Honors seminar in the spring of 2022.

Dr. Stacey Dearing presented her paper "Dorothy May Bradford's Death and Reconceiving Realness" at the 2021 Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference in November. Her related piece, "More Authentic but Less Real: The Mayflower and the Challenges of Early American Film and TV Adaptations," has been accepted for publication in an edited collection titled Scripting the Past in the Present: Early America and Contemporary Culture.