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As an English major, you can choose from a diverse range of courses in literature, film, criticism, writing, and rhetoric, as well as special topics Honors seminars.  You'll have some amazing opportunities to customize your experience and build your portfolio:

  • Publish your original work for the college newspaper, the yearbook, and Siena’s Pendragon literary magazine. 
  • Attend workshops with renowned authors during the annual Greyfriar lecture series
  • Get actively engaged in what you are learning via study abroad, internships at PR and marketing firms, newsrooms, and businesses, as well as student teaching.

It's no surprise Siena's English graduates are versatile, well-rounded, and well-prepared for civic and intellectual life (not to mention successful careers!) beyond Siena.

English Majors are in Demand!

Thinking about majoring in English but aren’t sure “what you’d do with it?” It’s a question we get asked often. Our answer? English majors are the hot new hires. Armed with strong writing, and research skills, relationship-build ability, and a finesse when communicating, English grads are very attractive in the job market.

Keith Wilhite

English Department Chair