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Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)
In accordance with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), the Education Department at Siena College is required to submit an annual report to the New York State Department of Education and the Federal Government on the quality of its teacher preparation programs, and to make this information publicly available. Accordingly, the institutional reports of Pass Rates of Program Completers on the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) appear here.
NYSTCE Assessment Pass Rate Data Reporting
The Education Department is committed to transparency and accountability by reporting performance data, updated on a regular basis on the department website. Critical to all stakeholders, performance data on key assessments are an essential feature of accountability at Siena College supporting a culture of continuous assessment and improvement of our teacher preparation/certification programs. The high standards of assessment, accreditation, and accountability benefit the candidate, the organization, and the public, signifying value in the degree and confidence in the worth of the Teacher Preparation Program.
In compliance with federal and state requirements, Siena College reports the percentages of students who have completed our teacher preparation programs and have passed each of the two teacher certification exams. Annual reports of test results follow.
**Data obtained from New York State Education Department’s Teacher Certification Examinations Pass Rate Data report sorted by test area. Pass/fail performance status is based on the total number of completers who took and passed the test.
3-year aggregate pass rate for Content Specialty Test (CST): 95%
3-year aggregate pass rate for Educating All Students exam (EAS): 92.9%
[data updated November 2022]