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Computer Science focuses on solving problems from a scientific perspective by applying software engineering, information systems, and computational theory. CS careers are diverse, creative and exciting with ever-increasing employment opportunities where starting salaries are among the highest for bachelor degree graduates.

Why Siena?
  • Small lab-based courses emphasizing active learning, one-on-one interaction with faculty, and collaborative problem-solving with peers.
  • 16 full-time faculty offering courses in Robotics, Computer Graphics, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Databases, Web Application Development, Networks, Programming Languages and more.
  • CS professors have won the highest awards at the college.  The Jerome Walton Excellence in Teaching has been awarded to Prof. Jim Matthews,  Dr. Tim Lederman (emeritus), Dr. Scott Vandenberg, and Dr. MaryAnne Egan.  The Raymond C. Kennedy Excellence in Scholarship has been awarded to Dr. Robin Flatland.  The Matthew T. Conlin, O.F.M. Distinguished Service Award has been awarded to Prof. Jim Matthews.
Learning Goals

Student will...

  • Acquire a base of knowledge and skills in software engineering upon which a lifetime of on-going learning and professional development can be built.
  • Learn to apply critical thinking skills and technology to defining, modeling, analyzing, evaluating, developing, and testing solutions to computing problems.
  • Develop teamwork skills necessary to produce technical solutions collaboratively as a member of a group.
  • Communicate computing ideas with clarity and coherence to technical and non-technical audiences through writing and speaking.

Emma Bostian '15

"After taking Intro to Computer Science, I quickly fell in love. I chose computer science because it challenged my logical reasoning skills while still giving me the aspect of creativity I sought in a career."

Want more?

If you are looking to supplement your major, consider a minor in information systems or computer science. In the information systems minor, you will focus on how technology can be used to collect, create and distribute data. 

Kevin Conner '15

​"My most meaningful experience at Siena was my relationship with the computer science faculty. They are all experts in their respective fields and really want to see their students succeed. They are willing to help with your questions and challenge you to go above and beyond the minimum."

Be in the know

What can I do with a major in computer science? I've never written a computer program before, is that okay? What type of computer should I buy? You've got questions-we've got answers!

Interim Department Chairs

Eric Breimer, Mary Anne Egan, Robin Flatland, Jim Matthews and Scott Vandenberg

Roger Bacon Hall Room Office: RB212


Scott Vandenberg

Eric Breimer

Mary Anne Egan

Jim Matthews

Robin Flatland