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The Sister Thea Bowman Center for Women provides innovative, value-based programs and initiatives that educate, engage and empower students. In collaboration with the Siena community, we foster advocacy efforts for social justice, gender equality, and women’s development.
The Sister Thea Bowman Center for Women strives to address issues of social justice, wellness, service, and advocacy. Some of our annual and ongoing events include:
- Building Healthy Relationships Program Series
- Fair Trade Awareness and Advocacy
- Women's Empowerment and Leadership
- Women, Health and Social Change trip to Cuernavaca, Mexico
- Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness #Stop the Stigma
- Mindfulness & Yoga for Stress and Anxiety Reduction
- Mentoring Program
Provide programming to the Siena community to raise awareness about social justice issues and promote participation in service and advocacy opportunities:
- Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize societal and institutional injustices.
- Students will demonstrate awareness that advocating for social justice is a Franciscan value.
- Students will demonstrate a commitment to addressing social injustices by participating in relevant service opportunities.
Provide educational opportunities and initiatives for students that promote equality:
- Students will be able to illustrate how gender inequities affect women’s opportunities and roles in society.
- Students will apply their skills by advocating for gender and racial equality.
Conduct targeted programs to women students that develop and empower them to achieve their personal, academic and professional aspirations.
- Women students will demonstrate proficiency in key skills needed to achieve their personal, academic and professional aspirations.