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The Siena College HPCC is a unique resource that is utilized both within the classroom and in research activities. Students gain practical experience with computational resources that have applicability in engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, physics and chemistry. Approximately 350 students annually use this resource during their course work and several more through their research experiences.

The HPCC is comprised of 21 nodes with 20 terabytes of global storage. Each node has at least 500 gigabytes of local storage, 32 gigabytes of RAM and 2 E5-2600 Intel Xeon processors operating at 2.3 GHz. There are a total of 240 processing cores available for high-level calculations. Numerous scientific software packages are also available.

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Scientific Software

Several scientific software packages are installed on the HPCC, which allows the Siena community to solve computational problems from many different fields: molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical systems, electronic structure calculations, mathematics, visualization, computer science, and general utilities.