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The Hickey Financial Technology Center (HFTC), located on the third floor of Siena College’s signature building, Siena Hall, is named in honor of Siena College alumnus Douglas T. Hickey ’77.
Established in 2004, the HFTC houses the Alonge Accounting Lab, named in honor of Siena College alumnus Guy Alonge ’54 and his wife Dorothea, and the William R. Raub ‘85 Market Trading Room, which is named in memory of a Siena College alumnus William R. Raub, who perished in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Real-World Exposure
The HFTC was established to give students at Siena College real-world exposure to the data and tools used in the world’s largest financial centers. Students have access to real-time stock market quotations as well as the latest market news and announcements. Detailed current and historical financial information is available for thousands of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and commodities.
With the resources available in the HFTC, faculty are able to augment traditional classroom lecture with hands-on activities designed to merge both the theoretical and practical aspects of finance and accounting. Simulations using real or fictitious stocks and bonds as well as hands on projects and exercises help enrich the learning experience and give our students the valuable skills necessary for today’s job market.
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Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT)
The BAT is a global, standardized online exam that is designed for undergrads and recent grads who are interested in an entry-level job in the business world. HTFC has partnered with Bloomberg to offer the BAT test FREE of charge on campus. BAT helps Siena students to anonymously market themselves to over 20,000 employers via the Bloomberg Talent Search.
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Bloomberg Certification Program
We encourage Saints to become Bloomberg certified in either Equities or Fixed Income. This experience has increased the marketability of Siena students in a wide variety of fields including investment banking, portfolio management, and financial planning. The certification program includes recorded instructor-led demonstrations of the functionality of the Bloomberg terminal followed by exam, quizzing the participation their ability to properly use Bloomberg. The certification is free of charge and students can register on any of the Bloomberg terminals in the Trading Room.
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Student Managed Fund (Bjorklund Fund)
The Bjorklund fund started in January 2006 with a gift from Ron Bjorklund of $100,000, and it is currently managing $200,000 (the initial investment was doubled in approximately 6 years). Using the facilities of the Hickey Financial Technology Center, Siena students manage the fund under the guidance of finance faulty. It is organized as a total of 6 credit course extended throughout two-semesters. These students obtain hands-on experience through managing real money in real-world investments. The Fund's analysts also compete in investments competitions such as the Adirondack cup, which Siena won in 2013.