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"Can A.I. Help “Dismantle the Master’s House”? “Fact, Fiction, and the Newsfeed” Intersections of Theology, Liberation, and Technology"
John P. Slattery. Director of the Carl G. Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law at Duquesne University
February 15, 2023


"Fact, Fiction and the Newsfeed"
Dr. Tim Weninger, University of Notre Dame

November 17, 2022


“The Time is Now: Energy, Climate and Peace”
Bill McKibben
April 19, 2022


“Is Biodiversity Loss Increasing Diseases of Wildlife and Humans, And if so, What Can We Do?”
Dr. Jason Rohr, University of Notre Dame
March 16, 2022


“Sustainability Via Patience, Persistence & Hope”
Dr. Aurora Sharrard, University of Pittsburgh
February 16, 2022



Radical Sufficiency: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective on Economy and ‘Making a Good Living’ in the 21st Century 
Dr. Christine Firer Hinze, Fordham University
May 10, 2021


Pressing Issues in Global Economy and Catholic Social Teaching
Dr. Kwan S. Kim, University of Notre Dame
April 7, 2021


US Wealth Inequality and Fratelli Tutti: A (Catholic) Reflection from the St. Louis Federal Reserve
Mr. Ray Boshara, Senior Advisor and Assistant Vice President for Institute for Economic Equity at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
March 10, 2021


“Let’s Rebuild Our Church: A Conversation about Rebuilding the Roman Catholic Church in the Wake of the Sexual Abuse Crisis”

“Embracing the Joy of the Gospel in a Church in Crisis,” Hesburgh Lecture by Dr. Matthew Ashley, University of Notre Dame
February 29, 2020


“Christians and Muslims Encountering Each Other Over Scripture”
Hesburgh Lecture by Dr. Thomas E. Burman, University of Notre Dame
September 19, 2019


“Hope, Courage, and Moral-Spiritual Power in the Age of Climate Colonialism”
Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
April 11, 2019


“Building Peace: Stories from the Field, the Academy, and in Between"
Dr. Michael Minch, Utah Valley University
October 15, 2018


“Gandhi & Jesus: The Saving Power of Nonviolence"
Dr. Terrence J. Rynne, Founder, Marquette Center for Peacemaking
March 12, 2017


“Being at Home in an Unfinished Universe: Lessons from St. Francis”
Sr. Ilia Delio, O.S.F., Ph.D., Villanova University
October 5, 2017


“Just Water: Hydrology, Theology and Laudato Sí”
Christiana Z. Peppard, Ph.D., Fordham University
March 20, 2017 


“Prophetic Citizenship”
Stephen J. Pope, Ph.D., Boston College
February 27, 2017


“Religious Liberty: Fundamental Right or a Nuisance”
Vincent M. Bonventre, Justice Robert H. Jackson Distinguished Professor of Law at Albany Law School 
September 21, 2016Co-sponsored with the Pre-Law Program


"Is God's Charity Broad Enough for Bears"
Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J., Fordham University
April 23, 2015


"Caring for Planet Home: The Vision of Laudato Sí”
Daniel P. Scheid, Ph.D., Duquesne University
Peter Ellard, Ph.D., Merrimack College
Ryan P. McLaughlin, Ph.D., Siena College
November 4, 2015


"Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Sprituality and Mental Illness"
Sr. Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, Ph.D.
March 27, 2014


"Pope Francis: The People's Pope?  A Look Back at his First Year"
Father Kevin Mullen, '75, O.F.M., Ph.D.
Tom Dickens, Ph.D.
February 12, 2014


"Social Justice, Lay Leadership and Interfaith Dialogue: An Academic Symposium in Honor of Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, D.D."
Archbishop Harry J. Flynn
Father Kenneth R. Himes '71, O.F.M., Ph.D.
Diana L. Hayes, Ph.D., J.D., S.T.D.
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Hohl
October 29, 2013


"Conscience Under Pressure: Being Faithful Citizens in an Imperfect World"
Dr. Peter Steinfels, Fordham University
October 25, 2012


“Transforming Corporations One Company at a Time: How Goldman, Wal-Mart and McDonalds Can Make a Difference”
Laura Barry
Tuesday April 10, 2012,


"The Good That Business Does"
Dr. Robert G. Kennedy, University of St. Thomas
November 10, 2010


"The Life and Legacy of Sr. Thea Bowman"
Sr. Charlene Smith
April 15, 2010 


"From Just War and Pacifism to Peacebuilding"
Dr. Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College
Thursday, April 2 at 7:30 pm, Sarazen 243


"Hope Against Hope: The Ethics of Social Reconciliation"
William R. O'Neill, S.J., Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union
Thursday, March 27, 2008


"Evolution and Faith: What is at Stake?"
Dr. John Haught, Georgetown University
Thursday April 12, 2007


"Catholics and Civil Rights"
Dr. Paul Murray and James Owens
March 29, 2007


"Reflecting on America as a Single Entity: US Latinos and the Future of American Catholicism"
Dr. Roberto S. Goizueta, Boston College
Thursday April 6, 2006


"Rethinking Poverty: Assets, Poverty, and Catholic Social Thought"
Dr. James P. Bailey, Duquesne University
April 20, 2006


"Ballots, Believers, and Bishops: New Questions about Catholicism and Public Life"
Peter Steinfels, Fordham University
Thursday April 28, 2005