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In keeping with the Franciscan orientation of the College, the FCCS highlights certain dimensions of Catholicism's past and present embodiments.  These include a commitment to social justice, reconciliation and peace making, appreciating the natural world, savoring beauty in the creative arts, engaging those from different cultures and from different religious or philosophical traditions, and defining leadership as service to one's community. To support this mission, the FCCS sponsors or co-sponsors speakers; conferences; colloquia; and theatrical, musical, and fine arts events.

Upcoming Events

“Algorithms and the Individual in Criminal Law”

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Zoom    Register at: www.siena.edu/ai2

Dr. Renée Jorgensen is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research concerns the moral issues involved in managing risk and uncertainty. She has ongoing projects concerning predictive policing, statistical profiling, and what we should consider a ‘reasonable’ mistake concerning the necessity of self-defense.

This lecture is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC.

Tom Dickens

Clare Center, Room 108