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Damietta Advocates

Peer educators who provide social, cultural, and diversity programs and workshops for the community, both inside and outside the classroom. If you want to learn how to become a Damietta Advocate, contact the Director of the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center, Br. George Camacho, OFM at gcamacho@siena.edu.

Cultural Clubs

Whether you are looking to learn about a new culture, meet new friends, or seek cultural connections, the affinity clubs are the place to be!

  • Asian Student Association 
  • Black Student Union
  • Muslim Student Association
  • Latinx Student Association
  • Pride - Gay Straight Alliance

Anyone can join these clubs as long as they're respectful and supportive! 

Follow the Affinity Clubs:

Black Student Union Instagram

Black Student Union Twitter

Muslim Student Association Instagram

PRIDE Gay Straight Alliance Instagram

PRIDE Gay Straight Alliance Twitter

Siena's Bhangra Team Instagram (as part of the Asian Student Association)

Find out more about them on SaintsConnect:

Asian Student Association

PRIDE Gay Straight Alliance

Muslim Student Association

Black Student Union

Latinx Student Association 

Upcoming Events