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The selected Siena STEM Scholar and their mentor will commit to full-time (35 hrs/wk) research for 6 weeks in the summer and four hours per week of independent study research for each of the two following semesters. In addition to the CURCA Summer Scholars award stipend ($2982 for 2023), the awardee will receive a $4250 award for a total award (in 2023) of $7232.
The Siena STEM Scholar Application should be submitted by the student applicant:
Siena STEM Scholar Application Form
Their faculty mentor must also submit a Siena Summer Scholar Application:
In addition to the faculty mentor submission of a Summer Scholars Proposal, the student STEM Scholar applicant must fill out the STEM Scholar application which includes a 500-word personal statement in which the applicant will: (a) Reflect on how your identities and experiences would have a positive impact on increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the STEM workforce. Please include any experiences you have as a member of an underrepresented group in STEM (including, but not limited to, being a member of an underrepresented racial, ethnic, gender identity, or socioeconomic group; being a Pell Grant recipient; being a member of the LGBTQ+ community; having a disability; being a veteran; and/or being a first-generation college student). (b) Describe your career and educational goals and how the opportunity afforded by this award would impact your progress toward accomplishing those goals.
- Faculty mentoring STEM Scholars must be returning as a full-time faculty member in Fall 2023.
- Students must be returning full- or part-time students in good academic standing for Fall 2023.
- STEM Scholar award application deadline and other dates of significance will match those of the Summer Scholars Program.
- Students will receive payment in the form of a stipend as a Research or Project Assistant. The student stipend is taxable to the extent described by the IRS but taxes will not be withheld.
- The total stipend will be paid to the student in installments, with Fall and Spring allocations contingent on registration for Independent Study research through CURCA.
- STEM Scholar award application deadline and other dates of significance will match those of the Summer Scholars Program.
- Students must work 35 hours / week to live in campus housing during the summer term and are responsible for the cost of housing and board; the STEM Scholar Award is intended to cover housing and meal plan costs.
- The student stipends are taxable to the extent described by the IRS.
- Students will be required to participate in the Summer Research Symposium in the Fall of 2023 and to complete a reflection paper at the end of the summer research experience. Further, their participation in CURCA seminars during the summer is required. Topics and dates will be available before the beginning of the program.