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Why should students engage? What can undergraduate research and creative activity do for you?

  1. Improved Marketability
  2. Personal Transformation
  3. Real World Application
  4. Critical Thinking Skills and Discipline Specific Knowledge
  5. Graduate School Placement
  6. Presntations and Travel
  7. Publication

How do we engage our students?

Independent Study

Independent Study courses allow students to work on topics of their choosing under the supervision of a faculty member. Independent Study courses provide students with in-depth learning opportunities that involve private consultation with the advisor and independent research. The courses are listed under each department and require a proposal approved by the faculty member, the Department Chair, and the Dean.

Summer Scholars

The Siena Summer Scholars Program promotes inquiry and creativity by supporting scholarly activity in which faculty members and students collaborate during the summer. Students participation in scholarly activities fosters exploration and discovery by providing opportunities to design and carry out original research including evaluation, analysis, synthesis of information or participation in a creative activity. 

Siena STEM Scholars

The Siena STEM Scholar award is an award established by a generous donation from Lucia and Jason Soo Hoo ’09,  physics, mathematics, and computer science, to increase opportunities for persons holding underrepresented identities in STEM. The selected Siena STEM Scholar and their mentor will commit to full-time research for 6 weeks in the summer and four hours per week of independent study research for each of the two following semesters.

Grant Funded Summer Research

Students have the opportunity to participate in research projects funded by external sources such as NASA, NSF,and NEH. For further information about these projects, please visit the department webpages.

Presentation & Publication

Present your research at both on and off campus venues. CURCA provides funding for students to travel to local, regional, national, and international conferences. Work with your research mentor and CURCA to have your research published.