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Ditch the snow and go abroad! Typically lasting 2-3 weeks, J-Term programs allow students to take a course overseas while engaging in hands-on learning and cultural immersion. Program costs vary, and application deadlines are typically in late-September or early-October. 

Check out the table below for upcoming, low-cost J-Term offerings! Chat with a study abroad advisor and begin an application by contacting the Center for International Programs (international@siena.edu) in Foy Hall 301.

J-TERM 2024

Check out this J-Term 2024 brochure to read more about each of the program locations and courses below (along with the application and fees process)! Students interested in applying should contact the Center for International Programs (international@siena.edu).

Program Location course(s) dates cost
Center for Global Education & Experience Cuernavaca, Mexico Environmental Justice and Social Change January 1 - 15 $2,625
Siena Italian Studies Brussels, Belgium European Perspectives on Drug Policy and Human Rights December 27 - January 13 $2,850
Siena Italian Studies Siena, Italy

Students choose one course:

  • Art History: Italian Costume and Fashion
  • Italian Cuisine: A Historical and Chemical Tour
December 27 - January 13 $2,850
University of New York in Prague Prague, Czech Republic

Students choose one course:

  • Art and Architecture of Prague
  • Czech Brewing Industry: Production, Economics, and Marketing
December 27 - January 13 $2,850

The following organization(s) additionally offers J-term study abroad programs, though certain locations may not be available due to program dates. Chat with a study abroad advisor in the Center for International Programs to learn more.

  • CIEE - Available programs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America