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Step 1: do your research
- Find available study abroad opportunities by searching through our Semester Programs and/or Short-Term and Summer Programs.
- Attend informational events to learn more about study abroad, such as Freshman Friday during the fall semester, Study Abroad 101 during the spring semester, and frequent programs hosted by study abroad returnees! Check the Daily Digest and SaintsConnect for upcoming study abroad events.
- If you are a first-year student, review our Helpful Hints for Study Abroad.
STEP 2: Get a passport
- Apply for a passport or make sure your current passport is up-to-date. Remember that applying for/renewing a passport may take months, so begin early. Passport applications are available at your local Post Office/County Clerk's Office or online. For more information, visit the U.S. Department of State's Passport and International Travel page.
- It's important to discuss your plans with your Academic Advisor early and often. Planning ahead can help make study abroad a reality for all students. Remember, ALL majors are eligible to study abroad.
- If you are in HEOP/AOP, ROTC or are a student-athlete, be sure to communicate your interest in study abroad to your HEOP/AOP Advisor, ROTC officer or athletic coach, respectively.
STEP 4: Meet with a study abroad advisor
- A meeting with a Study Abroad Advisor is required to proceed with the application process. Contact the Center for International Programs to schedule an appointment: international@siena.edu or call 518-786-5047.
- You will apply for your program the semester before you go abroad. Since most programs have rolling admissions, the sooner you apply, the better. Some programs may close/fill up before the deadline. Deadlines for most (not all) programs are typically:
- Fall Semester Study Abroad - March 15
- Spring Semester Study Abroad - October 1
- Summer Study Abroad - Varies by program; typically March 15
- J-Term Abroad - Varies by program; typically late-September or early-October
- Be aware that different programs have different application guidelines, and that requirements may vary widely. Your Study Abroad Advisor will assist you throughout this process.