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All majors. All saints. 65 programs. 55 countries. see the world. stay funded.

Siena Abroad provides students in all majors the opportunity to study abroad in 55 countries around the world. Through semester, year-long, short-term, and post-graduate opportunities, students pursue international internships, do original research, engage in meaningful service learning, and form lasting bonds and friendships - all while gaining a greater understanding of themselves and the world, and developing a professional edge for their future. Check out these 10 Great Reasons to Study Abroad!

To get started on your study abroad journey, chat with a study abroad advisor by emailing international@siena.edu

A Note on COVID-19: 

All Siena College students, faculty and staff are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including the booster, when eligible) in order to participate in College-sponsored international travel. This includes semester-long, winter, and summer study abroad programs as well as international service and advocacy trips and faculty-led travel courses. This decision was made to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students and limit the likelihood that students will encounter travel and program interruptions while abroad (i.e. entry complications and quarantine). By having Siena community members fully vaccinated, we hope to ensure the health and safety of the host country communities where our students immerse themselves and do our part in minimizing the risk of spreading COVID-19 and its variants to other parts of the world.

In addition, please be aware that certain study abroad programs and/or locations may be temporarily suspended due to COVID-19. Our priority is the health, safety and success of our students abroad. For more information, please chat with your study abroad advisor.

Make Your Study Abroad Appointment Today!