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Home to international students from 41 different countries - from Switzerland and France, to Pakistan and Morocco, to Zimbabwe and Honduras - Siena College offers a well-rounded, high-quality education for students of all nationalities and affiliations. At Siena, you will gain valuable academic and practical training in a wide variety of courses of study, develop close working relationships with top-notch faculty and fellow students, and get involved in a dynamic environment that encourages diversity in both thought and culture. 

Our International Student Services team is based in the Center for International Programs, located in Foy Hall 301. Susan Ambrose, Associate Director for International Student Services, will be your point person for information about F-1 visa status as well as academic and personal support.


Interested in applying to Siena? Visit our International Student Admissions page where you will find important admissions guidelines and requirements.

Follow us on social media!


Center for International Programs