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siena resources


Siena College VISTA Fellow's are allowed to take 10 personal/vacation days and 10 sick days, as per CNCS policy. Additionally, you are allowed by our program to take compensatory time for program or site related activities that take place outside of normal work hours. Personal/Vacation, Sick, and Comp time must be approved by your Site Supervisor before submitting their requests to the Assistant Director of Post Graduate programs via the online Qualtrics request form. 

Sick Time Off Requests must be submitted within 24 hours of returning on your site. You should request a sick leave in advance for medical appointments. Sick Leave can also be used to request time off if a family member, partner, or child is sick. 

Personal/Vacation time off requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. 


The VISTA Campus is the one-stop-shop for all things VISTA. The VISTA Campus contains great resources that are useful before, during, and after your service. As a part of the onboarding process you MUST create a VISTA campus account. This account will lead you through the Pre-Service Orientation for AmeriCorps including their required coursework and onboarding forms. 

The VISTA campus also offers many educational tools that you can use to navigate your way through your service year. We highly encourage you to utilize the resources offered on the VISTA campus website below.