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Community Partnerships are at the center of ACE's work. Our goal is to support and enhance the work of our community partners through a multifaceted approach to capacity building. Working to improve the quality and increase the quantity of our collaborations with campus colleagues and community partners, ACE actively supports the development of campus-community partnerships within and beyond the Capital Region. 

Interested in Partnering with ACE?

 First take our survey!

This survey is one of our tools to get to know our partners. It will focus on how The Center for Academic Community Engagement (ACE) can best partner with your organization. 

Our goal is for all of our programs to collaborate with area nonprofits to best help the community.

A partner can collaborate with The NExT Interships to help find problems and design solutions, and  work with our robust  Bonner and Americorps VISTA programs to help with the implementation of those solutions. The Center for Academic Community Engagement wants to work with you every step of the way.