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Are you a current student or faculty member or recent college graduate interested in making a difference in the community? Would you like to bring theory into practice—build your confidence, practice professional skills, and build your resume?
Join one of ACE’s programs and dive into community work that is meaningful to you, learn about our efforts working with local organizations and community members to build a more thriving Capital Region.
Are you a local organization looking to partner with ACE to build your capacity, focus on your mission, and support the educational journey of an ACE member? If so, please consider completing the ACE partner survey and meeting with our team to discuss how we can build a more thriving Capital Region together!
Our Partners
ACE Partners are crucial organizations that work with the ACE admin team and ACE members (students, faculty, and AmeriCorps VISTA Fellows) to build organizational capacity, address community needs, and work toward a more just, peaceable, and humane community. We look forward to partnering with your organization.
Current Students
ACE students engage in a number of programs and activities that support the center and the community. The links below provide information and resources for our current members.
Current VISTA Fellows
ACE AmeriCorps VISTA Fellows engage capacity building activities that support the organization where they are working and the Capital Region community.
There are a number of opportunities for faculty to get involved with ACE, these include:
— Developing and running a Community Engaged course —Mentoring a Community Engaged capstone project with a Bonner Service leader or NExT Team —Participation on a SPIn summer research project
We are happy to work with you to find the right way for you to engage with the community and the Center.
Are you a recent college grad looking for a pathway to make a difference in the community, build your professional skills, and learn more about local organizations and the nonprofit world? Consider an AmeriCorps VISTA year through Siena College’s program. Our VISTAs work as a cohort to develop as change agents in the community. Additionally Siena VISTAs have access to a number of campus-based benefits that help with managing the year. Follow the links to find out more about our program, current open listings, and more