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Good Eats!

We all have to eat! But finding affordable food can be a challenge when you are on a budget and new to the area. We have compiled some resources to make this more manageable for you. 

Grocery Stores:

  • Walmart- Fun fact, the world's largest Walmart is located on Washington Ave. Ext. in Albany!
  • Price Chopper- sign up for the AdvantEdge card for savings and to earn points
  • ShopRite
  • Hannaford
  • Trader Joe's
  • Aldi's

Other Food Sources:

  • Siena Dining Halls- Lonnstrom and Massry
  • Troy Farmers Market- accepts EBT
  • The Food Hub at Capital Roots

Tip: sign up for rewards, use coupons, cook from home, don't eat out too often, stop by the Siena dining hall after work for a free dinner.