The Br. F. Edward Coughlin, OFM Endowment to Advance Franciscan Values is created with gifts from the Coughlin family, Franciscan Friars, Siena College Board of Trustees, alumni, and friends of the College to ensure the legacy of Br. F. Edward Coughlin, O.F.M., eleventh President of Siena College. This fund will ensure Siena College has the resources necessary to carry out meaningful programing to promote and perpetuate the thought, vision, and ideals of St. Francis and Clare upon which the College was founded, and provide members of the Siena College community with a broader and deeper understanding of the Franciscan Spiritual and Intellectual (theological and philosophical) tradition and its practical relevance. Preferences: Use of the Fund will be directed pursuant to the President of Siena College or by his/her designated representative(s), Whenever possible, a designated representative should be, but is not limited to, a Franciscan friar serving at Siena College as Vice President of Mission or Guardian or professor. Programming may include, but is not limited to, lectures, workshops, courses, guest speakers 01 - instructors and regional, national or international service activity or travel. Any ambiguity with this document shall be resolved by the President of Siena College.