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How would I make a gift of marketable securities to Siena College?

  1. Decide on the size of your gift in terms of the number of shares you wish to transfer (remember, any appreciated marketable security – e.g., stock – skips all capital gains taxes if contributed to Siena).
  2. Select a brokerage firm from the list below to transfer the stock. Instruct your broker to make the transfer to Siena’s account at the firm you have selected.
  3. Contact the Siena College Development Office to notify us that you have made a gift of stock and which firm the stock was transferred.  This step is crucial because Siena will not be aware of your gift until you let us know.
Brokerage Firm Siena Account # DTC # Contact Phone
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 7632-3534 0374 Brian Enright (518) 426-6275
Merrill Lynch 808-04000 8862 Ed Nolan (Jennifer Nolan) (518) 462-8300

Bradley Bodmer '82, Esq.

Director of Development

515 Loudon Road, St. Francis House