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Examples of these achievements might include:

  • A personal accomplishment in improving relationships between alumni and students or alumni and other members of the Siena Community.
  • Alumni employees of the College who play a role in the development of some aspect of the collegiate life of the College.
  • Extraordinary efforts in the area of college development and fundraising, including those who might periodically make a financial contribution to the College and those alumni who play a particularly significant role in convincing others to contribute to the College.
Year Awarded Recipient(s)
2023 Thomas Roginski '83
  Chip Stein '78
2022 Frank Joseph Pugliano '66
2021 John Glynn '70
2020 Robin Leonard Prunty '85
2019 Guy Maddalone '89
  Patty Nashelsky '89
2018 Joe Corr '73
  Ann Malagisi Dejnozka '93
2017 Joe McCrudden '87
2016 John P. Finneran, Jr. '81
  Mark Woroby '81 
2015 Fr. Dennis E. Tamburello '75, O.F.M., Ph.D.
2014 Meldon F. Kelsey '59
  Joseph M. Lapetina '46
2013 Bill Redmond '53, Esq.
  Elvira (Altimari) Jaeger '83
  Andy Heck '88
2012 Judy (Capano) Michaelson '87
  Jay Girvin, Esq. '78
  Sal Ferlazzo, Esq. '77
2011 Shari Golub Schillinger '86
2010 Ronald Bjorklund '85
  Cathy (Casey) Bjorklund '85
  George Durney '85
2009 Virginia L. Darrow '83
  Francis T. Martin '59
2008 James Donsbach '68
  William McGoldrick '68
2007 Barbara Vertefeuille '62
  Christopher Madden '77
2006 Fred Wobrock, Jr. '66
2005 Marty Finn, Esq. '80
2004 Howard S. Foote '74
2003 Michael Bucci '73
2002 Joseph D’Andrea '62
2001 Lou P. Zampier, Jr. '61
2000 John R. Sise '75
1999 Loretta Epstein '77
  Anthony Pondillo '65
1998 Anthony Malatino '66
1997 Frank Gorke '67
1996 Michael J. Roche '64
1995 Mae A. D’Agostino '77
1994 James P. Leonard '59
1993 John K. Mulvey '65
1992 Harry J. McAllister '41
1991 Kim T. Blot '69
1990 Francis L. Roddy '58
1989 Robert P. Klein '68
1988 James A. Sullivan '41
1987 Robert E. Nolte '48
1986 James R. Reilly '59
1985 William J. Kirsch '56
1984 Arthur M. Sgroi, Jr. '62
1983 Dr. Edward J. LaRow '59
1982 Dr. Raphael Verdile, Jr. '59
1981 Patrick J. Leonard '63
1980 James Talbot '60
1979 Walter T. Kicinski '62
1978 John W. Obermayer '58
1977 Dr. Alfonso J. Marcelle '49
1976 Edward J. Malone, Esq. '43
1975 Dr. William J. Boland '50
1974 Joseph J. Dolan, Jr. '60