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Alumni selected for this award might include those who have achieved the following kinds of success:

  • Advancement to the highest-level executive positions in either the public or private sector.
  • Notable creative achievements in the arts field.
  • A significant or decisive role in particular administrative or research breakthroughs, such an alum who is credited for a new scientific development or the reshaping of public policy.
  • Unusual accomplishments in fields such as medicine, law, teaching, and politics.
  • The accumulation of exceptional business holdings.
Year Awarded Recipient(s)
2023 Michael P. Dempsey '83
  Mike Long '68
2022 Jason A. Gottlieb '92
  Sheila M. Lemke '82, M.D.
  Andrea M. Stewart-Litchfield '97
  Christopher A. Litchfield '97
  J. Kevin McCarthy '87, Esq.
2021 Gary DiCresce '71
  Robert Mack '91
2020 Russ Irving '85
  Steve Sgambati '90
2019 Lorrie Scardino '79
  Rich Sleasman '79
2018 Tom Mazzarelli '93
  Jan Marie Traynor MacDonnell '83
2017 Mike Elliott '87
  Mary Humiston '87
  Jim Scully '87
  Lewis Steverson '87
2016 Rick Coté '76
2015 Kathleen M. Strang Gutmann '90
2014 Michael R. O'Leary '74, M.D.
  Johanna P. Daily '84, M.D.
  Dennis L. Winger '69
2013 Jerry DeFrancisco '68
  Steve Obermayer '83
2012 Mary Liz (Blowe) Finn '82
  Rob McCormick '87
2011 John Genovese, Esq. '76
  Thomas Baldwin '81
  William Redmond, Jr. '81
2010 Christopher Baldwin '85
2009 Douglas P. Colbeth '77
2008 John Breyo '68
  Robert Guido '68
2007 Arthur Strosberg '62
  Douglas Hickey '77
2006 James Barba, Esq. '66
2005 Lou Witt '51
2004 John T. Leonard '64
2003 Steve Lamy '73
  Dr. David Russo '63
2002 Robert Cushing '77
2000 Albert E. Montross '60
1999 Raymond M. Fisher '74
1998 Daniel M. Sleasman '68
1997 J. Richard Walton '63
1996 Steven P. Boyle '67
1995 Jack Quinn '73
1994 John J. Higgins '55
1993 Charles P. Taaffe '73
1992 Peter S. Dokuchitz '52
1991 Leonard R. Roberts '70
1990 Robert J. Merritt '64
1989 George T. Maloney '54
1988 John E. Mack, III '56
1987 John J. McEneny '65
1986 Ron Vawter '71
1985 Howard M. Kahn '48
  Eli Werlin ‘48
1984 Vincent Puritano '59
1983 William Kennedy, Jr. '49
1982 Robert W. Bouchard '62
  William J. Donlon '62
1981 George Deukmejian, Jr. '57
1980 Richard Hennessy, Jr. '57
1979 Dr. Donald J. Anthony '47
1978 Dr. Anthony J. Sbarra '48
1977 Robert J. Danzig '62
1976 J. Patrick Barrett '59
1975 Lawrence Lombardo '52
1974 Daniel Klepak '49
  Joseph F. Bond '50
  Charles MacClosky '40