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Examples of such accomplishments might include:

  • Unusual self-sacrifice and effort by an alumnus in dealing with problems of disadvantaged and/or handicapped.
  • A significant role in the development of public support for particular humanitarian efforts.
  • Continuing noteworthy achievements on a person-to-person basis. Shaping or rehabilitating the skills, social adaptability and/or moral perspective of a client group served directly by an alumnus.
Year Awarded Recipient(s)
2023 Nimmi Menachery Trapasso '98
  Derek J. Trapasso '98
2022 Francis P. Kimler '97
  Lisa J. Copeland Moser '97
2021 Christopher Arnold '80
  Sabrina Mosseau '91
2020 Paula '80 and George '78 Griffin
2019 Joe Varkey '64
2017 Gene Zielinski '62
2015 Joseph J. Marotta '80, M.D.
  Richard G. Becker, Jr. '85
2014 Rev. John J. Bradley '63
  Edward J. Fennell '64
2013 Louis Ianniello '83, M.D.
2012 Francis Regnante '52
2011 Thomas Pillsworth '61
2010 Joseph H. Miller '60
2009 David J. Crandall '79
2008 Robert Edwards '73
  Ralph Giuliano '73
2007 Frank Bice '82
2006 Kelly Healey Murray '81
2005 William Frueh '64
2004 John F. Murray '79
2003 Fr. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. '78
2002 John Nevins '62
2001 Marybeth Gallagher '86
2000 Dr. Ernest J. Beaudoin '50
1999 Michael M. Hayes '67
1998 John J. Dawson '68
1997 Paul Hurteau '86
1996 Dr. Hugh V. Foley '42
1995 Archbishop Harry Flynn '56
1994 Frank Waterson '42
1993 Dr. James P. Furlong '43
1992 James B. Hettie '74
1991 Gerard R. Hough '73
1990 Michael Nardolillo '54
1989 Joseph C. Campbell '51
1988 Rev. James C. Hayes '77
1987 Roger Markovics '67
1986 Terrence M. Kirch '63
1985 James J. Morrell '66
1984 Ralph F. Fedullo '52
1983 Joseph A. Reagan, Jr. '50
1981 Charles R. Haynes '54
1980 Rev. Peter G. Young '53
1979 Peter Keyrouze '50
1978 Lauren A. Spinelli '58
1977 Dr. George Marthy '43
1976 Dr. Michael Melas '49
1975 Gerald B. Fitzgerald '57
1974 William A. Toomey '53