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Year Awarded Recipient(s)
2023 Elizabeth Schlegel '13, MSA '14
2022 Thomas J. Burke III '12
  Matthew J. Grimes '12
2021 Burgandy McCurty '10/'11 MSA
2020 Kathleen Digan '10
2019 Amy McCarthy '09
  Kaitlyn MacLeod '09
2018 Sean Figy '08, M.D.
  Danielle Grasso '08
2017 Mallory Massry '07
  Mike Utzig '07
2016 Chris '06 and Breanne '05 Elsesser
  Margaret Hutcheson '06
2015 Andrew S. Krakat '05 
2014 Eric J. Hungershafer '04
  Jolleen C. Wagner '04
2009* Donna A. Wilson '01
2006* Gloria M. Bruzzano '01
2005* Louis J. Milone, III '03
2004* Sean C. Moran '96
2002* Kelly B. Turley '97

*Recipients prior to 2014 were based on the following criteria:

The Franciscan Spirit Award for young alumni demonstrating a commitment to advancing the welfare of other human beings.  Examples of such accomplishments might include:

  • Unusual self-sacrifice and effort by an alumnus in dealing with problems of disadvantaged and/or handicapped
  • Had a significant role in the development of pubic support for particular humanitarian efforts
  • Demonstrates the ability to continue to advance the welfare of human beings over their lifetime