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About the Award: On February 11, 1999, Siena College’s Board of Trustees authorized the striking of a new medal, the Bernardine of Siena medal.  The Bernardine of Siena Medal is awarded by Siena’s Board of Trustees to individuals whose/who:

  • Personal or professional accomplishments or careers reflect a commitment to the spirit and tradition of St. Francis.
  • Have distinguished themselves by their involvement with or support for Siena College.
  • Have served Siena College over an extended period and whose work has made a significant contribution to sustaining the traditions or raising the profile of Siena College.
Year Awarded Recipient(s)
2021 John F. Murray, Jr. '79
2018 Neal Johnson (President/CEO Special Olympics NY 1977-2017)
  Dr. Edward J. LaRow '59
2015 George Maloney '54
2010 Br. Romuald Chinetsky
2009 Deborah and Jeffrey Hasbrouck
2008 The Honorable Joseph L. Bruno
2007 Phyllis E. Dake
2006 Robert A. McCormick
2004 F. Thomas Roach, J.D., CPA
2002 Congressman Jack Quinn '73
  John J. Dawson, Esq. '68
  Betsey Harvey '02
  Fr. Mychal Judge, O.F.M., 9/11 Rescue Team
2001 James Anthony Nealy, Jr.
  J. Patrick Barrett '59
  Thomas J. Murphy '67
2000 Kenneth T. and Thelma P. Lally (Honorary Degree Recipients 2003)
1999 Hollis E. Harrington
  Raymond C. Kennedy
  John E. Mack, III '56