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Ways to stay connected:
- Email: You will be provided with a list of local alumni who are interested in receiving communication regarding their regional club. You will work with your Alumni Engagement representative to create an engaging email plan for the year.
- Facebook: A Facebook group will be created specifically for your area (example: Capital Region Alumni Group). You will be an administrator of this group, along with your Alumni Engagement representative.
- Instagram: The Alumni Office has an Instagram account @sienaalumni to promote the club and events in your area. You will work with your Alumni Engagement representative if you would like something posted on the main account.
Do’s and Don’ts of social media and emails:
- Don’t post anything on social media or send emails without authorization from your Alumni Engagement representative.
- Don’t post too often.
- Don’t post anything inappropriate, political, or that does not pertain to Siena. Only promote the regional club, events, appropriate memories of Siena, and other information related to Siena.
- Do post engaging, fun, and exciting content to ensure the success of the Club.
- Do work with your Alumni Engagement representative to create a schedule and content plan.
- Do encourage alumni in the Club to share content and invite others to join the Club to expand the Siena network in your area.