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Examples of events to host in your area: 

  • Career Networking: receptions, career panels, business card exchange 
  • Activities: Informal meet-ups for runs, walks, golf, hiking, etc. 
  • Social/Family: Happy hours, family picnics, cruises, cocktail receptions, game watches, athletic events, etc. 
  • Community Service: neighborhood cleanup, soup kitchen visit, service within your community
  • Educational/Cultural: Faculty/alumni speaker events, theater productions, museum tours, Mass, etc 
  • Student Recruitment: The Office of Admissions hosts events around the country that are great for alumni to attend 

How to get started: 

  • Select time frame and type of event 
  • Fill out the Event Details Form to confirm date/location with your alumni engagement representative. 
  • Work with your Alumni Engagement representative to schedule event details and promotion.  Work with the event venue to confirm details (example: happy hour at a local bar) 
  • Contact your network! Start spreading the word at least one month before the event (if not sooner) and follow up weekly until the event. 
  • Confirm details with the venue one week before. Update the count and put orders in (when applicable) 
  • Check-in with your Alumni Engagement representative one week before the event. 

Do’s and Don'ts of event planning in your region: 

  • Don’t sign a contract with any vendor or venue. 
  • Don’t plan too many events in one year. 
  • Don’t plan activities during Siena Alumni and Homecoming weekends or during times of the year that tend to strain personal schedules (ie: holidays). 
  • Don’t forget about your Alumni Engagement office! Talk with us about everything, we are here to help and support you. 
  • Do plan interesting, varied programs and activities. 
  • Do contact the Alumni Engagement Office with questions and concerns. 
  • Do adhere to the guidelines set for you by the Alumni Engagement Office. 
  • Do keep good records. 
  • Do build a strong network in your area to ensure the success of your club.