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To survive and prosper, all organizations need to create value for their customers in order to generate revenue. Marketing is the organizational function responsible for coordinating the value creation process, which means the marketing department leads the revenue-generating function within the organization. All other functions consume organizational resources produced by marketing and support the marketing function. Thus, as a marketing major, you will develop the knowledge and skills to identify marketing opportunities and develop appropriate marketing strategies to profitably pursue those opportunities. At Siena, your courses will expose you to the major concepts, skills, and tools that you’ll need for a career in marketing or for graduate business programs. 

Our personalized and customized curriculum allows our Saints to explore marketing careers in areas such as sports marketing, international business, e-commerce, advertising, public relations, consulting, retail, sales and relationship management, and marketing research.Effective marketing professionals are highly sought after and can expect rapid advancement in organizations. 

We have designed our courses to give you the best of both worlds—a strong conceptual base of the science of marketing, and the addition of being able to focus your studies in areas of interest to you. We call these areas our marketing concentrations. 

Cutting Edge Technology

Siena’s School of Business Marketing Research Lab offers state-of-the-art facilities for students studying business statistics, marketing research, and marketing/promotion. Here, students work in teams and have access to multimedia technology and software including statistical analysis packages and geographic information system software.

Leading the Pack

We were named a 2018 top 10 marketing program in the U.S. by College Factual. 

The Siena College Marketing Association

The Siena College Marketing Association (an AMA Student Chapter) challenges Saints to complete research in the field of marketing, develop sound thinking in marketing theory, improve the methods and techniques of marketing research, develop better public understanding and appreciation of marketing problems, study and discuss legislation and judicial decisions regarding marketing problems, and encourage sound, honest practices of marketing operations. Students who participate in the SCMA gain relevant marketing experience that continues their marketing skill development outside of the classroom. 

The Siena marketing department provides business and liberal art students with a rigorous and practical education in the marketing discipline through a commitment to learner-centered teaching and scholarship, hands-on experience, and a flexible curriculum that make students employable in various marketing fields and prepare them for graduate programs.